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You were my sunshine
The warmth at the end of the chill
You were mine
The hole in my soul you were destined to fill.

You saw beyond facades
Beyond the self I portrayed
To the rest of the world
You saw the shadow behind the girl.

But all of a sudden the fire began to dwindle
Put out by distance and unexpected resentment
Till when I thought of you I felt no warmth
I felt embarrassed.

Embarrassed by the excuses I made for myself
Embarrassed by my refusal to accept I was that type of person
Embarrassed to admit that my heart - repaired, no longer needed you
Embarrassed to believe that I left you because I was tired and bored
Embarrassed because one day I woke up and I felt nothing.

This poem hits quite close to home. I mean people fall out of love but what happens when it hits you straight in the face out of nowhere, opening your eyes to the realization that your heart is free again. What then?
Do you end up questioning if you ever truly were in love or in love with the idea of them or do you wonder if you really spent all that time on nothing and maybe you realize that maybe it wasn't so sudden...just maybe it'd been slowly happening for a while and you'd been so caught up with forcing love that you refused to admit it but mostly you might feel sorry for wasting the other persons time and feelings. It feels horrible.

MY MIND.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora