Chapter 5

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Luke's POV

I stood in the centre of the room, glaring around at everyone who was cheerfully talking to themselves and whispering about the total glory and magnificence of being on Olympus and the sight of Olympus itself. As for me? Well, I've been coming here for five years in a row and really, there was nothing to see. Nothing to see, except for the future vision of rubble and bricks lying everywhere. I will tear Olympus down, brick by brick, until there is nothing left. I smiled to myself as I recalled my vow to Kronos those couple of days ago.

"Luke?" I turned around to see Annabeth coming towards me, her grey eyes as sharp as ever. "Why aren't you," she motioned to the room and everyone around us, "out there?"

I sighed. "Annabeth, it's been five years. Things get boring after five years, you know?"

She stared at me. "How could you call this boring?" She gestured to the sheer vastness around us. "This architecture is amazing!"

I smiled. "Right. Architecture." I pointed to myself. "I am not interested in architecture." I pointed to her. "You are."

She mock-glared at me. "Fine. You do your thing. I'm going for a walk around to see the 'uninteresting' architecture."

"Okay!" I called after her retreating figure. "Just don't come to me after about how amazing everything is!"

She ignored me, which was expected. Sighing, I went over to the juice stand and got myself a cup of fruit punch. I walked over to where Chiron was talking with Athena. Seeing one of the Olympians, my hatred flared and I struggled to keep my face a mask of cool calm.

"Luke?" Chiron asked, facing me. "Is anything wrong?"

I forced a smile and shook my head. "No, no. I just wanted to tell you that I'm going for a short walk through the courtyards. I need to clear my head from all this loud music, you know?"

Chiron smiled. "Sure, go ahead."

I flipped him a thumbs up and grinned, walking towards the courtyards, feeling the piercing gaze of Annabeth's mother on my retreating figure. I forced myself to act like I didn't notice anything, but the second I was out of the room, I released a breath. I dumped the juice onto a patch of crocus flowers, which, if you didn't know, were the sacred flower of Hermes and spat on it too, just for good measure. Gathering my composure, I strolled down the garden, slowly turning towards the direction of the throne room. I had to be careful, for I couldn't use the 'I got lost' excuse if someone caught me. When the throne room came into view, I checked my surrounding area to see if anyone was around, and when I was satisfied that there was no one there, I slid open the door, crept into the room, and hid behind one of the many pillars and peeked out.

My attention immediately went towards Zeus' master bolt and Hades' helm, both of which were just sitting there on their thrones. Pathetic, I thought. The Olympians are so arrogant to think that no one would dare steal from them. I was about to step out from behind the pillar but hesitated. It would be of no use to take the items now, as everyone was still out there. Dinner would start soon too. Better to wait until nightfall came. With that, I crept back out into the gardens and had barely taken five steps to pretend to be studying a plain-looking daffodil when I heard footsteps come up from behind me. I sighed to myself in relief that I hadn't been discovered, yet that relief soon turned to anger as I heard his voice.

"Luke?" Hermes asked, walking up to me.

"Stop right there," I gritted out through my teeth. I turned around to face him. "Finally have time to visit your son?"

"Luke," Hermes said, his face pained. The two snakes, George and Martha, I believed they were called, were stone still on his caduceus.

"I don't want to hear it," I snapped at him, and turned around to head back into the mess hall where Annabeth was no doubt waiting to annoy me to no ends with the architecture. But, anything was better than having to talk to him.

"Luke," Hermes said again. "Will you not let me explain myself?"

"There is nothing that needs explaining," I gritted out. "Nothing that can be explained." Fuming, I stalked off towards the mess hall, leaving Hermes to stare after me in silence. Unsurprisingly, he didn't run after me and just watched as I left. Gods, I thought. Tearing them down will be the best day of my life. 

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