Hunting Pt. 1

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Allison shoved the remainder of her stuff into her purple and black duffel bag that I'd bought her in town. "Ready?" she asked me.

I nodded, zipping up my duffel and swinging my backpack onto my shoulders. "Let's go."

The spell I'd worked on Olivia could only hold for so long and a month later, it was starting to wear away. We had to get out of here before everything came back to her and she blew our cover. Besides, today was the last day of school and I had to go pick up Percy with Grover anyway. I might as well bring Ally along.

We crept to the study and the window at the back, where Ally had enlarged the grapevine. To be honest, it looked like a smaller version of the beanstalk in Jack and the Beanstalk.

I nodded at her, and Ally slid down the stalk. When she landed on the grass, I prepared to swing myself out. Just then, I heard running footsteps beyond the study halls.

"Hurry, Josie," someone said. "They're getting away."

"Olivia, I still find this hard to believe. You've been saying that Ally almost killed you. With a grapevine. Are you sure you weren't hallucinating? I mean, Rianna's wicked enough to kill you, but Ally? She's so. . . ordinary."

I smiled to myself. Wicked. Interesting. I heard a slap, followed by Olivia cursing at Josie to shut up and just follow her. I shook my head. Whatever. I braced my hands on the vine, just as the door burst open.

"Stop!" Olivia screeched at me. "Stay where you are, monster!" She made no move to come closer, though, clearly afraid of what I might do. Not like I would do anything, with another mortal next to her. I made a mental note to request my mother to make her forget that I'd ever existed after I left.

I looked down. Ally was waiting below, her eyes wide. She'd heard, then. I discreetly pointed at the nearby woods, motioning her to run.

She shook her head.

I sighed. I pointed again, urgently, motioning that I could take care of myself. She hesitated but gave in after I shot a pointed glare at her, and took off across the lawn to where Blackfire, who had been living in the nearby woods with Avalanche the entire time I was here, waited. Avalanche was hiding behind the broom shed right below me.

I looked back at Olivia, smirked, and pushed off from the window. I flipped through the air, landing in a roll and springing back onto my feet, just as Josie peered out the window. No doubt Olivia was cowering behind her.

"See you never!" I mocked from the ground. "And give your dear friend my best wishes!" Josie disappeared, Olivia taking her place. She opened her mouth to say something when Avalanche emerged from behind the shed, baring her large canines at Olivia. She screamed.

I rolled my eyes. Spineless brat.

"Let's go, Avalanche," I said. She huffed at me, and we were off, sprinting towards the woods.

I walked towards a large oak tree, where Ally and Blackfire were waiting. I patted Blackfire. "I missed you, boy," I whispered to him.

He snorted. "Sure, bostress, but I don't see no apple." I sighed and rolled my eyes. Pegasi. So involved with food. At least it wasn't donuts. I reached into my pocket and gave it to Blackfire, who munched it right from my hand. I turned to look at Ally. "Are you ready?"

Ally hesitated, but nodded and said with certainty that she was. We headed towards the bank of the river, where the space was wide enough for Blackfire to take off.

Ally hesitantly climbed onto Blackjack, who stomped about, though he didn't toss her off. It was a miracle in itself, I supposed. Blackjack never let anyone else except me ride him. Then again, Ally was unique. I suppressed a smile at her uncomfortableness.

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