Chapter 1

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Eren's POV 

I was on my way to Hanji's because I lost a bet with her about whether Armin and Erwin would get together or not. 

I didn't think that the coconut liked Erwin, turns out I was wrong. 

Now I have to spend an entire day with Hanji and she's allowed to do whatever experiments she likes on me. 

Why couldn't it be a normal bet? Like, I lost so I owe you $20? 

I sighed and massaged my temples whilst I stood outside her door. I knocked on the door and it immediately opened. I saw Hanji with a crazed look on her face. 

This was going to be a long day. 

Time skip brought to you by Levi's beautiful ass 

I was on my knees and panting by the time it was the end of the day. 

"Aaand, for the last experiment," Hanji cackled loudly. Wait, we weren't finished yet? "Eren, do you like Corporal Levi?" 

My eyes widened and I blushed madly, "N-no?" 

Hanji sighed really loudly, "That was the worst attempt at lying to me. I would've believed you more if you told me that your dog ate your homework." 

"I don't have a dog." 


I sighed for the hundredth time today, "Fine. Yes, I do have feelings for the corporal." 

Hanji squealed revoltingly loudly, "What did he say when you told him?" 

"What do you mean? I haven't told him." 

Hanji looked at me like I had just said that titans stink, "You...You haven't told him how you feel yet?" 

"No, and I don't plan to. He hates me enough as it is, I don't want to make it worse." 

Hanji started massaging her temples and she looked pretty annoyed, "He doesn't hate you, Eren. Why don't you tell him. Are you too scared?" 

My eye twitched at the comment. "I'm not scared of anything," I said through gritted teeth. 

Hanji smirked evilly at me, "Then prove it." 

"Fine, I will." I got up with a renewed sense of confidence and marched all the way to Corporal Levi's office. 

I knocked loudly on the door. 

"Come in," Levi sounded tired. 

I opened the door and looked him dead in the eyes, "Corporal Levi, we need to talk." 

Levi raised a comical brow at me, "Oh? About what, Jaeger?" 

I opened my mouth to continue speaking, but stopped when the reality of what I was doing hit me like a brick. 

"I'm waiting, Jaeger. You look like an arse with your mouth open like that." 

I quickly shut my mouth and squeaked out a small, "Nothing, nevermind. Sorry to waste your time," before briskly walking out of his office. 

I walked past Hanji who stopped me, "So? How'd it go?" 

"I didn't do it." I shook her off and went to my room to sulk over missed opportunities. 

Levi's POV 

Hanji walked into my office with a bummed out expression on her face, "He didn't do it?" 

"Nah, he was close though. I just think that he panicked." 

Hanji laughed and left. 

I've been waiting for that damn brat to confess for a while now. Oh well, I'll just have to wait a bit longer.

A/N: Thanks for reading :)


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