Chapter 3

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Eren's POV 

I've been trying to forget my failed attempt at a confession by training extra hard today. Corporal Levi had some work to do so Hanji was keeping an eye on us today. Mikasa and I were paired up and she was kicking my ass. 

She pushed me over and then sat on my stomach, "Eren, Armin told me that you chickened out again." 

I tried to sit up but failed and ended up looking like a tortoise stuck on it's back, "Wait, Armin did? Wait, again? Wait, what?" 

Mikasa chuckled slightly, "Yes, you failed to confess to the corporal again after both Hanji and Armin tried to help you." 

"Oh what. Does everyone know about my crush on the corporal now?" 

Everyone that was training looked at me, "YES!" 

I blushed a bright red, "Wait, seriously? Everyone but Levi knows?" 

Mikasa grimaced slightly, "Uh, Levi knows too." 

I sat up abruptly, knocking her off, "Who told him?!" 

"He told us. He's known since before you knew." 

I hid my red face in my hands muttering how much I hate my life. 

Mikasa pushed me over with her foot, "Come on. There's still an hour of training to go. But seriously, go talk to him after training. If you don't, I'll date Jean." 

There was a "Hey!" from somewhere behind her and I chuckled, "Fine, I will. Please don't date Horse-face." 

She smiled and we continued training. 

Time skip brought to you by Marco's freckles 

I stood outside the corporals office with my hand raised, ready to knock. Well, I say ready to knock, I've been standing here for about 10 minutes. 

"Can you hurry up and knock so that I can get into my office?" 

I got such a fright that I screamed and jumped into the door. I turned around to see Corporal Levi with his hand covering his mouth to stifle his laugh. 

I growled a bit and then walked into his office. He was still snickering slightly by the time he sat down in his chair. 

Then he cleared his throat and looked at me, "Now Eren, why are you here?" 

I took a deep breath. Remember, if you don't do this now Mikasa with date Horse-face and I'll never know if Levi likes me back. 

I took another breath and opened my mouth, "Corporal Levi, it has come to my attention that you are aware of my feelings for you. But I feel that I still need to tell you directly. I like you. A lot." 

Levi's POV 

I sat in my chair with my mouth open wide. He actually did it, he confessed. I felt my face heat up a bit. I mean, I knew that he liked me. He stares at my ass everyday. But I guess hearing him say it made it more real. 

I opened my mouth to reply to him but stopped. He looked absolutely shocked. I think the reality of what he did has hit him again. 

"You okay, Eren?" 

He looked at me with wide eyes, "Yeah, of course I'm fine. Why Wouldn't I be fi-" 

And then he passed out. I stood up and looked over my desk to see him lying on the floor. 

"HANJI!" I yelled, I was scared that he was hurt. 

My closet next to my desk opened and Hanji fell out. 

"Hanji, what the fuck were you doing in my closet?" 

"I wanted to see in person if he'd actually do it." 

I massaged the bridge of my nose and pointed at Eren, "What happened?" 

"Well, I think the fact that he confessed to you was too much for his brain to handle and he passed out." 

I picked him up bridal style and carried him to his room.

A/N: Thanks for reading :D I won't be upset if you comment and vote and all that good stuff 


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