Chapter 5

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Hanji's POV 

Erwin and I have been waiting in the briefing room for about 20 minutes waiting for Levi. 

"He's never late. He's usually here before me most days," Erwin said. 

My face morphed into one of mischief, "Say, Erwin. Eren confessed to Levi yesterday. Maybe Levi took him into his room know... frickle frackled." 

Erwin started coughing, "I highly doubt that, Hanji. Armin and I have been waiting for the right time to...erm...frickle frackle. I don't think that's where he is." 

I smirked, "Fifty bucks says you're wrong." (A/N: I can just see Hanji making a ton of bets and having the most money out of everyone XD)

Erwin raised an eyebrow, "You're on Hanji. Let's go find Levi." 

Levi's POV 

I opened my eyes. Wait, I was sleeping? I rolled over and saw Eren sleeping soundly beside me. I smiled after remembering the events of last night. Eren stirred beside me and then opened his eyes. 

"Morning bright eyes," I smiled. 

Eren looked over at me, "Hi." 

"I'm sorry," I said. 

Eren sat up, a bit more awake now and looked at me, "What could you possibly be sorry for?" 

"That," I said and pointed to his neck and chest. 

He looked perplexed and then looked down at his chest to see a few dozen bruises. His eyes widened and then he laughed, "If these are what you're apologizing for, then I should be apologizing too." 

It was now my turn to be confused as I looked down. I saw a few dozen more bruises on me and I chuckled. 

"And your back," Eren said as he traced long lines down my back. 

"It was worth it though." 

He nodded in agreement. 

At that moment, the door opened revealing Hanji and Erwin. 

"Thank you for knocking, you can come in," I said sarcastically. 

"You missed the meeting," Erwin said. 

"What? No I didn't. It's only...Ah, it's lunch time." 

"Soooo," Hanji said, "Who tops?" 

"I did," I said nonchalantly. 

Eren slapped my shoulder, he looked horrified, "Levi! You can't just say that!" 

Hanji looked over at Erwin and held her hand out. Erwin slapped a couple of notes in her hand and left. Hanji, seemingly pleased with herself, left the room and closed the door behind her. 

I looked over at Eren who was still blushing, "Eren? Do you...uh... Do you want to be my boyfriend?" 

His jaw dropped and tackled me in a hug, "Of course, Levi!" 

"One more thing, Eren," I said, "You can't call me captain or corporal in public anymore." 

Eren fell back onto the bed and started laughing really loudly, "Whatever you say, captain~" 

I sighed and hit him across the head with a pillow.

A/N: Yay, morning fluff! Thanks for reading :)

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Thanks for reading 


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