Chapter 11

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A long time later 

Levi was scowling more than he ever has. He looked over at me and then slumped in his chair. 

"Oh, Lee. Cheer up." 

"No. No one listens to me and know look where we are," He flailed his arms around and then crossed them again. 

"Levi, we're at your daughters wedding. She's getting married." 

"And I said that she can't get married. Ever." 

"You said that the day she was born. No one took you seriously." 

It's been about 19 years since Isabel was born and now she's getting married to a lovely young gentleman named Ermin. 

"And besides Levi. You'll still have me and the other kids." 

After Isabel was born, Levi never failed to provide me with 3 more kids. (A/N: I feel like this is something Levi would do...) And what I haven't told him yet, is that another one is on it's way. 

"Hey, Lee? Can we talk quick?" I said near the end of the reception. 

He nodded and followed me outside, "What's up?" 

"I 100% blame you for this. But you're going to be a dad again. Isabel, Farlan, Melody and Jenny with have another sibling. I'm pregnant... Again." 

"YES!" And then he ran inside to tell everyone. 

I followed after him whilst rubbing my temples. Here we go again... 

A/N: Thank you for all the support on this story. Unfortunately this is the end of this story, but I have written a sequel with Armin and Erwin which I'll put up soon. 

If you have any story ideas that you'd want me to do, you can comment or send me an email (my email address in my bio) and I'll see what I can do. Or if you wanna do a collab, I like that idea.

As always, Merry Christmas


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