Chapter 1

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The sun shone in through the leaves, illuminating the woods in front of me. Birds chirped above, flying away from a small disturbance ahead.

I stared at the group in front of me. There were four of them, all setting up their camp.

"Come on Sokka, loosen up a little," one of them said, a girl. I looked over at the guy I presumed was Sokka. There was a weird creature sitting on his shoulders.

"Uh, hello? Excuse me?" I spoke up, waving at them. They ignored me and continued setting up.

"Aang, you agree with me, right?" The girl who spoke before asked one of the other guys.

"Yea, Katara's right, Sokka, you need to relax."

"I can't believe you're all telling me this," Sokka said. "I'm always relaxed, I'm the boomerang and relaxing guy."

"I thought you were the..."

I drowned them out as I walked around the camp, looking at everything else. The only other person that was there was a girl sitting off to the side. She was laughing at everyone's arguing. "Hello?" I waved my hand in front of her face. Still nothing.

"Well this is just perfect." I sighed, sitting down right next to a giant creature which they had flown in on earlier. "What about you huh, can you notice me?" I poked it's fur, only for my arm to suddenly fall through it. I backed up startled, bumping into a rock.

"What... what was that?!" I stood up and walked over to someone else, attempting to tap, or push them, or do something. Only to fall through them too. I let out a grunt as I made contact with the ground. "I'm dead, aren't I?" I rolled over onto my back. "I'm dead, that's it, only possible explanation. You've really done it now Y/n..."

Everything went quiet. Or atleast there was an illusion of that. I stood up and paced in circles around the camp, trying to remember what happened before I arrived at the camp. There was nothing except a large metal door, everything else was black, or too fuzzy. "God damnit!" I yelled, kicking a rock across the camp. I stared in shock as it moved.

"Toph was that you?" One of them asked, looking over at the girl in green.

"No, I have no idea what did that," she shook her head, "I can't see anyone else around here except for us."

"Maybe we're haunted, and there's a ghost?" Sokka clinged to Katara's arm.

"Ghosts don't exist Sokka," she said.

"But spirits do," he replied.

"They're two different things, right Aang?" Katara looked over at him.

"No they're the same thing, just different situations. Human spirits are a lot more rare though." The three of them all shuddered, except for the green girl.

"Toph, how are you not scared?" Sokka asked her. 

She shrugged. "I can't see them either way." I looked between the four of them.

"Well, Aang, you're the avatar, you can do something about this," Sokka said.

Katara pushed Sokka off of her and grabbed a pot out of the creature's saddle. "We don't even know if it is a ghost, Sokka." The small creature chirped at her. "It was probably just a bug or something."

"No, no, no! I'm real, I'm here!" I waved my arms around in front of them. "I'm-" I collapsed onto my knees, a wave of pain washing over me. "Here." I gasped out, unable to breathe. The world began to grow fuzzy as I fell forward onto my knees.

The ground below me seemed to change too, shifting back and forth from the thin grass below me, to a thicker patch.

I clenched my eyes shut, letting the pain subside. When I opened them again, and stood up, I was in a different area. A large metal door stood in front of me, looming over the forest. A sharp pain pulsed through my head as a series of images flashed through. All memories.

The forest around me was empty. It had an eerie silence to it too, you could hear a leaf drop from a mile away. Or however that saying went.

"Hello!" I yelled out, but no one answered. I raised my hand and knocked on the door, only for it to pass through. "Great... still a ghost." I stepped through the door into a dark hallway, with torches lining the walls.

"Hello?" I continued down the hall, walking past a few empty rooms. There was another large door at the end of the hall, with quiet talking inside. I stepped through into the room, squinting at the sudden brightness.

"How are the tests going?" I heard someone say.

"As expected, she should be ready for the second phase soon, we just need her to wake up."

I walked past the two of them, heading further into the room. There was a curtain hung up in the middle of the room, gently swaying from a breeze somewhere. I stepped past it, freezing as I saw the person laying in front of me.

Another sharp pain filled my head. All the memories I had lost returned within a matter of seconds. I fell down in shock and back up away from the bed. One of the scientists in the room walked through me and over to my body. I stood up and ran out of the building, back out into the forest.

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