Chapter 13

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"Everyone single file," Katara said. As we all grouped around each other, she began to bend the water around everyone, creating a giant air bubble.

While on our way through the serpents pass, we were stopped by a sudden break in the land.

"Now would be a great time to mention, I can't swim either," I said. The fish began to gather around the bubble. Momo chirped and jumped out into the water, alongside the fish. Suddenly a black mass swam past him. Momo jumped back into the bubble onto Toph's shoulder, splashing us with water.

"What is that thing?" Katara asked, staring at the large shadow of the creature. I stepped closer to Toph.

Suddenly the creature broke through the water barrier. As water closed in on us quickly, Toph used her bending to bring us back to the surface. A serpent swam in circles around us.

"Oh dry land, I'm never taking you for granted-" I stopped feeling another wave of pain wash over me. "Again."


"I'll be fine, they're getting better. We need to keep going." I clenched my jaw as the pain made it harder to breathe.

"I'll distract him. Katara, get everyone across." Aang said pushing it back using his airbending. He jumped off the platform, flying towards it and leading it away.

Katara created a path of ice to the other side. We all quickly walked to the other side. Katara raced out to help Aang.

"Toph, come on. It's just ice." I heard Sokka call out. I looked back to see Toph still standing on the pillar in the middle of the water.

She put a foot out on the ice, before stepping back. "Actually, I'm gonna stay on my little island where I can see." A coil of the serpent crashed down behind her, destroying the platform and making her jump onto the ice.

"Ok, I'm coming!"

"You're doing great! Just follow the sound of my voice!" Sokka yelled out to her. I heard her say something in response that I couldn't make out.

I sat down against a rock, wincing from the pain.

"Are you okay?" I looked up to see Suki.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm great." I clenched my jaw. "Kind of."

I looked over, at Toph, startled from the sound of breaking ice. The serpent broke the path and she went plunging into the water. "Help! I can't swim!" I stood up, my heart racing.

"I'm coming Toph!" Sokka yelled as he began taking his boot off.

Before he could do anything Suki ran over and jumped in the water, swimming towards Toph who had gone under. Suki dived down after, and pulled her up back to the surface.

"Oh Sokka, you saved me," she said, planting a kiss on Suki's cheek.

My heart skipped a beat, which was most likely from the pain. Probably.

"Actually, it's me," Suki said.

"Oh...well...heheh." She went limp in her arms. "You can go ahead and let me drown now." Suki swam back to the shore, pulling Toph with her. Aang and Katara defeated the serpent, and flew back over to us.

We continued walking, finally getting close to the exit. "There's the wall! Now it's nothing but smooth sailing to Ba Sing Se," Sokka cheered, pointing.

Ying gasped as she doubled over clutching her belly. "Oh no!"

"What's wrong?"

"The baby's coming!" She said. Her family helped lower her to the ground.

Sokka freaked out. "What! Now! Can't you hold it in or something?"

"Sokka, Calm down. I helped Gran-Gran deliver lots of babies back home."

"This isn't the same as delivering an arctic seal! This is a real... human.... thing!"

Katara rolled her eyes. "It's called a baby, and I helped to deliver plenty of those too." She rolled up her sleeve. "Aang, get some rags. Sokka, water. Toph, I need you to make an earth tent. A big one." Toph nodded and created a tent around them. "Suki, Y/n, come with me."

"Wait what?" I asked. They ignored me, and pulled me inside the tent.

"You're doing great Ying." She called back to Sokka, "Sokka! Where's that water? Get ready to push." Sokka walked into the tent behind her. "One, two, three...PUSH!" Sokka passed out seconds later, dropping the water, which I managed to catch. I handed it to Katara.

"It's a girl!" Katara yelled, holding the baby in her arms as she cleaned it off.

I could hear Toph from outside. "So, you want to go see the baby? Or are you going to faint like an old lady again?" She asked Sokka. I had a small smile.

"No no, I'm good this time." He stood up and followed her into the tent.

"Aang, you have to come see this," Katara said, calling him from the door. He walked over to the door, walking inside to see the baby in Ying's arms.

"She sounds healthy," Toph said.

"She's beautiful." Katara smiled at her.

"It's so...squishy looking." Sokka said, making Katara roll her eyes.

"What should we name her?" Than asked as they watched their baby.

Ying looked up at her husband. "I want our daughter's name to be unique," then back down at the baby, "I want it to mean something."

Aang smiled, wiping away some tears as he walked further into the tent. "I've been going through a really hard time lately. But you've made me... hopeful again."

"I know what I want to name our baby now. Hope," Ying said.

"That's a perfect name. Hope."

We all stood by a tree, saying goodbye to Aang. Apparently. Him and Katara spoke for a minute, then hugged. We walked up to them as they parted.

"I promise I'll find Appa as fast as I can. I just really need to do this," he said. Toph handed him his staff.

"See ya in the big city," Sokka said.

"Say hi to that big fuzzball for me." Toph hit Aang's arm, making him wince and rub it.

"You'll find him Aang." Katara smiled at him.

"I know. Thank you Katara." He took off, flying away with Momo.

Sokka and Suki walked off, talking quietly. "I guess she's leaving?" I asked looking over at Toph.

"Yeah, something about coming here to protect Sokka." I nodded, and looked back towards the two, only to see them kissing. "Are you... blushing or something? Your heart rate changed."

"Um... it's- it's nothing... yeah." I turned around. Toph raised an eyebrow and followed me. We continued on towards the city. 

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