Chapter 12

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I woke up to the feeling of water sprinkling on my face. Well it was more like a wave of water splashed down on me, and I coughed myself awake.

"So, did you figure out what route we're gonna take?" I heard Aang ask. I sat up and looked around. We were out of the desert, at a small pond, or lake, or something. The rest of the group was sitting off to the side, looking at a map.

"Okay. We just got out of the desert, so we must be around here, and we need to go to Ba Sing Se, which is here. It looks like the only passage connecting the South to the North is this sliver of land called the Serpent's Pass."

I stood up shaking the water off, and walked over to them.

"You're sure that's the best way to go?" Toph asked.

"Yea, I don't want to encounter more dangerous animals," I said, sitting down next to her.

"Y/n! You're awake!" I winced, feeling myself get hugged tightly.

"Yep, and this hug hurts." They let go, saying a few 'sorrys'.

"Anyway, it's the only way, I mean it's not like we have Appa to fly us there," Sokka said.

Katara elbowed him. "Shush up about Appa. Can't you at least try to be sensitive?" They both glanced over at Aang. I looked between the three of them.

"Katara, it's ok. I know I was upset about losing Appa before, but I just want to focus on getting to Ba Sing Se, and telling the Earth King about the solar eclipse," He said, calmly.

Katara seemed surprised by his response. "Oh, well, ok. I'm glad you're doing better."

Sokka rolled up the map. "Then to Ba Sing Se we go, no more distractions."

I jumped, hearing someone call out from behind us. "Hello there fellow refugees!" We turned and looked to see people walking over to us. There was a man, a girl, and a pregnant lady.

We had struck up a conversation with them. "So, are you guys headed to Ba Sing Se too?" Aang asked.

"Sure are, we're trying to get there before my wife Ying has her baby," the man, Than, said as he rubbed his wife's belly.

"Great, we can travel through the Serpent's Pass together."

The three of them were horrified at this statement. "The Serpent's Pass?! Only the truly desperate take that deadly route," Ying said.

"Deadly route." Toph whacked Sokka's arm. "Great pick, Sokka."

"Well, we are desperate." He said, rubbing the spot where he was hit.

"You should come with us to Full Moon Bay. Ferries take refugees across the lake. It's the fastest way to Ba Sing Se."

"And it's hidden, so the Fire Nation can't find it."

"Hmmm, peaceful ferry ride...or deadly pass?" Katara smiled sarcastically at Sokka.

They led us to the bay, which was stock full of people. I took a step closer to the group,

"I can't believe how many people's lives have been uprooted by the Fire Nation..." Katara said, looking around at all the people.

"We're all looking for a better life. Safe, behind the walls of Ba Sing Se."

We got in line, waiting to get tickets for the ferry. I stood next to Katara, looking around the large area. There was a loud crash as a platypus bear destroyed a cart of cabbages. "Next!" Someone yelled. I looked over to see no one else in front of us. We walked up to the lady.

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