Chapter 3

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It took me a total of five seconds to arrive. How, I wasn't exactly sure of, but the moment they left I suddenly found myself standing back in front of the door.

The group landed just ahead of it,  stirring up a bunch of animals as they did so. Toph was ahead of the group, with Aang at her side.

"There's only five people inside," she said, "the place is practically abandoned, especially for how big it is." She put her hands up against the door. "Metal."

"How are we gonna get inside then?" Sokka poked at the door.

"Like this, it's unlocked." Toph pushed open the door. Sokka sheepishly smiled, scratching his neck. They all walked in, the door shutting behind them with a swoosh of air. I followed them inside, quickly walking towards the end of the hall where I was before. The group followed behind, slower than I was. Then again they could actually be seen.

"They're ahead," Toph said quietly. I walked through the door, listening to their conversation.

"We're going to go ahead with the second phase."

"And what about the testing? We have no idea if she'll survive while asleep."

"She's survived the previous serum." The lady walked over to my body.

The other one followed her. "But this one is stronger, and more unpredictable. She could easily die."

"We knew that was a risk from the very beginning. I only wish she would wake up so we can learn the side effects. We'll just have to move ahead anyway, get her ready."

The second person nodded, and walked out of the room into another area. I watched the first person, who was standing over my unconscious body. They wrote down a few things, before following the other person. I looked around the room, seeing nothing else except for one guard at the door.

"Toph said there were five people here." I followed the two into the back room. "So where's the last person?"

The room was filled with all sorts of liquids and vials. Whoever the final person was, they didn't seem to be in this part of the building.

One of the scientists was mixing together some sort of serum. Which I'm guessing was going to be injected into me. The other one was writing stuff down, occasionally glancing back at me in the previous room.

I heard a loud bang as the group got the door open. The scientists ran out, only for one of them to get knocked back. The other one managed to make it over to my body, injecting the serum in.

I gasped, stumbling against the bed. My hand brushed against my body, and suddenly I felt myself getting sucked into it. I woke up and let out a cry of pain, pulling against the restraints. The group cut me out of the bonds and I sat up gasping for air.

I could feel the serum course through my body. With every beat of my heart came a burning sensation along with it. Pure, intense pain.

Katara and Sokka grabbed me, pulling me out of the bed and onto the ground. I let out a yelp of pain as my feet touched the cold floor, unable to move. With every little movement the pain seemed to get worse as they carried me out, until eventually I blacked out.

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