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it was dark and cold inside the four walls of your familiar cell. nothing to cover yourself with besides the thin sheet you'd had since you were brought here.

you'd been back from a mission for a while now, you weren't quite sure how long. after all, you never knew just how long you were holed up in this small, musty room for.

sometimes you went days without so much as hearing another soul speak. you were fed, but only very well when you had a mission the next day.

you didn't want to do it. you never enjoyed it. but at this point you were desensitized. it didn't really matter so much to you anymore.

you liked the outside world, even though it was daunting, scary almost. you hadn't lived out there since you were eleven. you were only able to be out there on missions, and you got those done quickly and efficiently.

everything was quiet. you could hear a pin drop from the end of the corridor. that is, until the screaming started. the familiar wails of people being tortured.

but the sound of bullets raining down relentlessly brought you to the conclusion that this wasn't the sounds of torture that always had you curling up in the corner until the screaming subsided.

you waited, the anxiety growing in your chest like a black hole, swallowing your insides as it ate away at you.

surely, when they got here you would die.

you heard the sound of the metal door at the end of corridor swinging open with a loud creak and a BANG, drawing your immediate attention as your eyes dilated in panic.

"experiments?" an unfamiliar voice echoed throughout the halls. "what kind of experiments? there's only empty prison cells." they sounded annoyed, you could tell they were gritting their teeth, and hard as they spoke.

"i-i don't think-" the voice of your boss stuttered out, the fear making his voice shake and crack involuntarily as the footsteps drew closer.

it was only the two of them approaching. you made no sound, and you didn't stand from the edge of your hard bed. you simply watched the shadows of the figures approaching, and forced your anxiety away.

one of the figures was holding a flashlight, and the two stopped in front of your cell, shining the light inside, and directly in your eyes.

you squinted, and shielded your eyes with a chained arm, but remained silent.

"human experiments?" the unfamiliar voice shot, venom oozing from his voice as he slightly lowered the flashlight. "what kind of experiments?"

"that's none of your concern." your boss gritted out, the discomfort and arrogance in his voice causing you to bite your tongue in annoyance. these people would not play nicely. you knew that, or they wouldn't be here. although, murdering the man who controls you, would never be seen as a bad thing in your eyes.

there was an audible cracking sound, a bone breaking, and a yelp of obvious pain.

"you better spit out what you've done to this girl, or things are gonna real ugly."

"that's a weapon. she's been, shall we say, modified? our biggest success too." the pride was palpable. you lowered your head.

only a weapon

just a tool for destruction

the words lingered in your mind as you replayed them. so familiar. you'd heard them countless times over the years as this man in front of you encouraged you to give up your humanity. but you held on to some shred of it. you would not let him win. you wouldn't let anyone in this place win.

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