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the sound of the rain slapping quietly against the glass windowpanes was calming, and you finally found the urge to put down the book kouyou had you reading, to go meet chuuya at mori's office, at this rate you would be running a few minutes late.

you stood up from your seat by the window, and placed the book face down on your bedside table, open on the page you had previously been reading, and ran out of your room.

the corridors of the mafia headquarters were all quiet, only the continued sound of the rain outside was to be heard alongside your footsteps, and you walked quickly as you made your way to the elevator.

"i'm not the only one running late." chuuya's voice is amused as the elevator doors open, and you feel the butterflies return with new passion as you step into the elevator.

"almost late, but not quite." you reminded him, hoping he remembered one of your previous conversation's, where he himself had said that about you, the same lazy and amused grin on his face.

he nods, acknowledging your playful reference with an "ah, i remember."

you smirk down at your shoes, pleasantly surprised at your ability to joke around like this with the executive, who still was looking at you.

the elevator dinged, signaling an end to your trip, and the both of you stepped out of the elevator, making your way down more of the buildings long corridors to reach the big, dark room that made you feel so on edge.

when you reached it, chuuya raised a slender gloved hand to push open one of the wooden doors, the sound of it creaking open loudly echos throughout the room.

chuuya holds the door for you, and you nod your politely as you gravitate towards your usual spot at the gigantic table.

elise was sitting on the floor again, colorful crayons sprawled around her, and she drew silently, not even looking up when the door opened.

"good afternoon, y/n, chuuya." mori greeted, stretching his arms out in welcome, his usual discomforting grin etched onto his face as he spoke.

both you and chuuya made your greetings and took your seats, and soon the job for today was explained.

"akutagawa is having a particularly hard time getting this hostage to talk, so it's your job to make him." mori's voice was level, and he looked between you and the executive casually. "i believe that if y/n takes away all of his senses, it might overwhelm him too much, make him spill the answers we need."

you noted the amusement laced in his words as he continued on with his debriefing, and chuuya nodded along to his words thoughtfully.

you on the other hand, completely tuned out mori's words, and fell into your thoughts instead. it would be easy, and you wouldn't go overboard. you would make him talk, and then you would leave him alone. you had no interest in making anyone suffer unnecessarily, and you would not break that promise you made to yourself. you had no problem killing for the port mafia, but you didn't wish to harm anyone beyond what was necessary.

when chuuya stood, you took it as a sign that you were heading down the chamber where you would take over for akutagawa. you hoped that the black haired man wouldn't cause a scene.

of course, that hope was futile, because when you and chuuya reached the chambers, you were met with akutagawa's icy glare.

you walked straight past him as chuuya stopped to greet him, making your way over to the only hostage in the chamber. he had slashed all over his body from where rashoumon had struck, and you raised an eyebrow at akutagawa's handiwork.

depth of darkness || nakahara chuuya x readerWhere stories live. Discover now