Chapter one

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Jane Rizzoli. Who was she any more? What was she worth? To Jane, she was worth what she had, nothing.

"Alright Rizzoli. We go in here and we get right to the point. No smooth moves."

"Coming from you Frosty? You're the ladies man."

"Sure partner. They only use me to get to you."


Jane and Frost walked to the back door of the abandoned warehouse. Locking eyes, they readied themselves for battle. One they thought was going to go smoothly.

They were wrong.

Jane woke up, looking at her clock on the bedside, she saw the time. A groan slipped from her lips. The sun sliding its light through the blinds.

'Another day.' Jane thought. She was never a morning person, even more so since moving to to Emeryville. The small town where she was no longer Detective Jane Rizzoli but, Jane the Mechanic.

She didn't enjoy this life much but it was far better than the fate met by others she had known. A past life, filled with the memories of a life she no longer knew.

She dragged herself from her bed, wishing that the day that just begun would end. She moved her lanky body effortlessly into her blue jumper. 'Better than that hot police uniform' she thought.

As she made her way to the shop, which she had yet to name, she had a gut feeling that maybe today would be different.


Dr. Maura Isles. One of the best in her field. She had it all. The life she lived was of fame and glory. She soaked it up. Yet, she still felt lonely. Some nights she often left the bed she shared with her fiancé Ian to cry.

On this day however she refused to cry.

"Maura baby listen to me. It's nothing like that."

Narrowed eyes locked on the woman occupying her bed. She looked to Ian. "The wedding is off."

Four words. Easy to say separately but, together they made her heat ache.

Swiftly moving around him she packed some cloths, making sure they matched and headed of to...wherever Ian wasn't.

She was scared. Who would love her like Ian? Who would love Poindexter the know it all? Who?

Well, how did I do? I really was scared to do a fanfic. But I thought new year new things. Right? Anyway tell me what you think. Also I haven't forgotten about my other story, I just...idk I have it written but I'm not happy with it. Anyway I digress. Sorry.
Much Love

The Mechanic (Rizzoli and Isles fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz