Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Pilot

**Ellie's point of view**

"You're seriously not going right?" My little sister, Jaime said.

"yes I am going" i answered, repeating the same answer to the question she asked multiple times.

"dad's going to kill you" she said, watching me do my hair.

"that's why you're gonna cover for me" I said.

"El, you haven't told me exactly why you're going to this party in the woods. isn't it a bit weird to just hang out in the woods" Jaime said.

"we have to be as hidden as possible" i answered.

"Is Jackson gonna be there?" Jaime asked and I didn't bother answering, "Are you still hung up on him?" she added.

"No, I'm not" I answered, "I'm moving on. Breakups aren't exactly as easy as you think it is" I added, "and no he's not gonna be there"

"why exactly did you two break up?", Jaime asked again.

"Jaime, I've told you this billion times and you're still asking" I answered.

"okay the only answer you gave me was oh it was for the better" she said, mocking me, "so can i please get more words" she added.

"it was toxic, that's it" I answered, standing up to grab my small bag hanging behind my door.

"he's a really sweet dude" she said. I paused for a little bit, trying to take in what Jaime said then continued putting all the things I need in my bag.

"He was" I said.

"was?" Jaime asked.

"was" I answered. Jackson was sweet, at first, but the more you get to know him, the more you see this different Jackson, "now get out of my room" I said. she was giving me this look like she's trying to figure out more why I said was but she left right after I told her to.

I looked out of the window to see if my dad's car is here but its not. I started setting up my bed and making it look like I'm sleeping on my bed using the pillows and the wig i bought for things like this. Yes, I'm smart.

I'm just sitting in my room waiting for Kyle's car to come before my dad does. Kyle is always late for some reason but maybe he picked up Alice before coming here since Alice's car broke down.

Then I finally heard the honking and I ran quickly to Jaime's room, "alright J im gonna dip" I said, closing the door quickly.

"okay don't get mad at me if dad finds out" she said.

"then don't let him find out" i said, running downstairs. I made sure that my dad's car isn't here before i dipped.

"let's go!" Alice said, motioning me to get in the car. I quickly ran to Kyle's car and went inside.

"you ready?" Kyle asked, looking at me from the rear view mirror.

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