chapter 3

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Chapter 3: about me.

**Ellie's point of view**

"okay amigo im really tired can we please like sit down for a minute" i said. We've been walking for hours trying to find our way out of this woods but seriously we're not going anywhere.

"We have to keep moving" he answered.

"okay homeboy. your pops is like 75 okay so he's probably barely kicking" i said.

"okay fine, homegirl" he said, mocking how i said home boy. okay i have this thing where I call them with random nicknames the comes to  mind.

i sat down while he's still standing looking for nothing. literally you can't see anything but trees and trees and trees, "so what homeboy? did you find anything?" I said, teasing him.

"actually" he said, "come here" i stood up and went beside him. he extended his arms pointing at something while I try to focus on what's he pointing at, "that's a shed" he said, "an abandoned shed?" He added. I was starting to see what he's point at and it is shed.

"so what's your great plan now, hancho?" I asked. I was staring at the shed and it's low key hidden so whoever built it must've been smart to keep it low key, "you planning to take someone's nicely built-hidden-shed?" I said.

"no. we're going to check if someone lives there and if not then we can stay there" He answered. He making his way to the shed while I stayed behind.

"stay in that shed?" I said.

"hey you don't have to come with me homegirl. I saved your life, got you out of that house. now that you're free, go ahead, run away. find your way back to wherever mansion you live in" he said, continued walking towards the shed. I looked around and knew it had no choice but to go with Arlo so I did. I followed him to the shed.

"oh shit it is an abandoned shed" i said when we entered the shed.

"i guess we found a place to stay" he said, winking playfully and I sighed annoyed. I feel like someone really stayed in here for so long, i mean, it has a DIY bed frame with mattress, a little cooking area and other functional things. maybe just needs a little cleaning, "why would they leave this place like this" Arlo said while checking out the other things.

"they probably found their way out and decided to dip" i answered. I sat on the bed to rest, "hey what's in your backpack, you've been carrying that around but never took anything out of it" i asked. He took his back pack off and unzipped it.

"well i knew we would somehow have to stay in the woods for a couple days before we find your home so i brought emergency things" Arlo said, "since we found a place to stay, i guess we just have to feel at home now" he started taking things out. he took out a flashlight, water bottles, canned goods, couple shirts and a blanket?. yes a blanket.

"really? two water bottles?" I said.

"what about you? what's inside your bag?" he asked. i unzipped by bag and started talking out the things inside

"a brush, hand sanitizer, keys, perfume, and lip balm" I said. he was staring at me and making the yeah-those-are-useless face, "okay I didn't know i would be surviving in the woods with some kid named Arlo" I said.

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