chapter 9

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Chapter 9: what really happened?

**Ellie's point of view**

"so you went missing for weeks and came back with a boyfriend?" Jaime said, annoying me while I'm air drying my hair. she's annoying yet i missed her.

"He's not my boyfriend," I said.

"You guys were holding hands a while ago" Jaime said and I just didn't answer, "I'm just confused about how you met Carlo" she added.

"it's Arlo" I answered, correcting her.

"Whatever, he's a one mysterious dude," Jaime said.

"what makes you say that he's mysterious?" I asked.

"well first, you won't tell me how you really met him or anything about him. All I know is that you were with him while you were missing, that's kind of strange isn't it?" Jaime explained, "maybe if you tell me more then I'll understand."

"I'll explain when I'm ready. right now is just really not a good time since I went through something traumatic before I met Arlo" I said and Jaime let out a sigh, "Jaime, I promise I will tell you but not right now" I added.

Someone knocked on my door and opened it slowly, "uhm did we say come in?" Jaime yelled to whoever was knocking.

"Jaime shut up" I said, "you can come in," I added, hoping it would be Arlo who was on the other side of that door.

"hey" Jackson said, opening the door quietly.

"okay I'm gonna go" Jaime interrupted and walked out of my room.

"hi" I answered.

"can we please talk?" Jackson asked, calmly shutting the door close. I sat on my bed while he sat across me, "how are you feeling? did Arlo hurt you in any way?"

"No, never. why would you think that?" I asked.

"Can you please just tell me what happened." Jackson said. He's trying to hold my hand but I would back away.

"I can't, I'm not ready." I said.

"Then can we talk about us? El, what happened to us?" Jackson then said, changing the topic.

"I don't know you tell me." I answered.

"You're the one who broke up with me." Jackson said. His voice started growing.

"You're the one who stopped caring about me." I said. His eyes grew wide open and confused.

"What? that's not true." He said, denying my accusations.

"Jack, just stop. you know what you did, you know why I did what I did. You stopped caring about me when you finally had me." I said. My voice started getting loud, finally getting everything out of my heart.

"Ellie, I never stopped loving you." Jackson said, trying to keep his voice down, "I never stopped caring about us."

"That's rubbish!. Jackson, you made me think that I wasn't enough. you made me feel like some recyclable item that you can put aside when you're done with it." I said. I opened my mind to remember everything that happened between us.

"I don't know what you're talking about. you're the one who broke up with me with absolutely no reason and you're the one blaming me for our fall." Jackson said. He looked at me the same way he did when we had our first argument. like he didn't even care about me and my opinions at all. well of course, what can you expect, It's Jackson.

"Then why introduce me as your mate to your old folks?. Where were you when I needed you badly?." I asked. I tried getting everything out but Jackson is just not worth it at this point.

"that's childish." He said.

"childish? and you get mad when I do the same to you." I answered. I calmed myself down and stayed quiet. I waited for him to say something relevant or even just apologize for breaking my heart.

"I wasn't good enough for you, is that what you're saying?" Jackson said, trying to relight the fire of this conversation.

"I didn't say that. Jack, you were an amazing person but you have to understand the rules of love. you can't just shoo me off when you don't want to see me." I said, slowly calming down.

"Be honest, Why were you with that Arlo guy?" Jackson said, changing the topic once again.

"Arlo was the one who helped me." I said, answering the question a million times, "No, I did not run away to meet up with him so please just let me rest." I added. He stood up and walked out of my room.

I took a deep breath before letting another thought come to me. No one believes me, no one thinks I'm telling the truth. The door slowly opened again.

"please just leave me alone." I yelled. The door kept opening until I could see Arlo's figure outside. I quickly ran to him and threw my hands around his neck into a hug then he shut the door close.

"How was your talk?" Arlo asked. I took my arms off and pulled back from the hug.

"it was stupid. He's a complete wanker." I answered then he chuckled. We laid down on the bed and cuddled, "Are you ready for the dinner?" I said.

"I don't know, should I be worried?" Arlo answered, playing with my hair.

"If they don't ask questions then you shouldn't be." I said. I looked up to him but he was just staring at the ceiling, "Do you remember the first night we met?"

"That was a pretty scary night." Arlo said. We both laughed.

"I think the first word you said to me was like run or something." I said, still laughing, "This guy who I had just met brought me to my room and told me to run." Arlo was laughing until it slowly faded.

"what are we gonna do with the Arthurs." Arlo said. His voice got serious that I didn't even want to say anything.

We stayed silent for minutes. I had closed my eyes and fell asleep into his arms. Then a loud knocking woke me up.

"Dinner time," Dad said, knocking on my door but soon faded. I got up, wiped my eyes and sighed. When was the last time my dad called all of us for a family dinner.

I walked to my mirror to fix my hair, "How long was I asleep for?" I asked.

"long enough for your father to finish cooking." Arlo answered. He stood behind me but I could still see the trouble in his face.

"Arlo, you'll be okay. If you're not ready to tell them then don't." I said, turning to him and wrapping my arms around his neck. Another loud thud interrupted us and I had to get my arms off of him as fast as I could.

"Dad said dinner," Jaime said, flinging the door open, "oh was I interrupting something?"

"no, I was just about to head down. I'll see you both down stairs." Arlo said, leaving the room and headed downstairs.

"so you get to put your arms around his neck now?" Jaime said, teasingly, "Before it was holding hands and you definitely levelled it up." She added an afterthought but I just ignored her. I left the room to go downstairs, "Hey what happened with Jackson by the way?. he's still here by the way, he's having dinner with us." Jaime said. I quickly turned to her.

"what?" I said.

"yeah exactly, that was my reaction too like why are you staying here for, but obviously I can't ask that." Jaime answered. She continued babbling about everything she could think of before we got to the dining room but she finally stopped.

"I got the pasta right here" Jackson said, and came out of the kitchen with a bowl of pasta that dad made. I rolled my eyes in secret. Can he just go back to not caring about me.


<slight changes to the next couple chapter :)> 

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