Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: the man.

**Ellie's point of view**

"you have to run" he said then I suddenly got confused, "you can't be here" he added.

"the man said I could stay" i said.

"he's not going to help you, he's gonna keep you in this room until you rot" he said. My heart suddenly jumped, what the hell did I just got myself into, "you have to trust me. before they go to bed he will come down here and lock the door" he said.

"so what the hell do I do?" I asked.

"I'll get you out when they're asleep but right now you have play innocent" he said. I'm trusting my life to these strangers, "you've got to trust me. I've seen bodies" he added, "say you trust me" I just froze there, trying to take in the words he's saying, "Ellie, say it"

"i trust you" I said, "I trust you" I added, repeating myself.

"just stay calm when you hear something okay" he said before leaving

I walked inside the room, sat on the bed and watched him close the door. I just gave my life to some teenager who I don't even know if he's on drugs by the way. I mean he could be telling the truth but he could also be some crazy teenager needing some attention.

I laid down on the bed unable to sleep from what Arlo said. I heard footsteps walking down the stairs and started hearing the door knob clanking and locking. oh shit I think this is the part when that guy locked me here. holy shit. I wonder how many dead rotten bodies were here before me.

I stayed calm like what Arlo said and waited for him to come and unlock the door so I can get the fuck out of this house. okay no staying calm is not it, knowing the fact that Arlo might not come and get me. okay it's okay Ellie, you'll get out in a couple minutes.

Minutes turn to hours and I still dont hear Arlo coming down. It's so quiet to the point that I can hear the wind and my own heart beat. I feel like I'm getting closer and closer to my death.

then I started hearing the doorknob, hoping that it's Arlo. I just watched the door knob move and do it's thing.  I stayed in the corner of my room. then it opened.

"you ready?" Arlo said when the door opened while I let out a big sigh.

"omg please get me out of here im about to lose my mind" I said, standing up and following him.

"shh be quiet" he said, guiding me out the door, "they're light sleepers so don't make a sound" he added.

"you took forever to come" I said, complaining to him.

"okay it's not that easy to come down here without making a sound" he said. We walked up the stairs. the stairs squeaks every step we make and I feel like these crackheads will come chasing us any time soon.

"where the hell is the door" I said, a bit loud.

"can please just shush" he said. The lights upstairs turned on, "oh shit" Arlo said. He pulled me by the wall to hide.

"Arlo is that you?" the man said. I can see his shadow standing by the stairs holding some type of cane, maybe to use for killing us, "Arlo?" He repeated. I looked at Arlo who's standing by the looking scared. he has his finger by his mouth telling me to be quiet.

He grabbed my hand and carefully led me to the kitchen, "there's a door in the kitchen" he said. We quietly walked to the kitchen and he started opening the door but it was locked.

"Arlo?" The man said. the voice started getting closer then Arlo slowly started freaking out and forcing the door to open, "what are you doing?" the man said. I turned around and he's standing across the kitchen and with his cane, ready to kill someone. he has this creepy look on his face and you just know that he's some type of crazy old man or for short, serial killer.

"oh shit" I said.

"Mr. arth.. I'm--" Arlo said, freaking out and stuttering, not knowing the right words to say. He suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me the other way. I felt the man's presence chasing us with his cane trying to reach us.

Arlo pulled me left and right, trying to dodge all the things that are being thrown. Then he suddenly stopped.

"what are you doing?" i said, staring at Arlo while he's just standing there waiting for the man, "Arlo the door is right here" I said, pointing at the door but he's just standing like he's waiting for us to get killed, "Arlo let's go!"

"Arlo you're not going to do it. bring her back downstairs and we'll talk this out" the man said.

"you took everything from me" Arlo said, still standing while I'm so eager to run outside. then he pushed the table and trapped the man in the corner unable to get out, "I've been picturing this to happen my whole entire life" Arlo added, pushing the table to that the man wont be able to move, "okay let's go" Arlo said, unlocking the door.

"Arlo, I will hunt you down" the man said before we left. We both ran as fast as we can away from the house until we're out of breath.

"holy shit what the fuck was that" I said when we stopped in the middle of  where our feet brought us, "you, you're crazy I was confused why you froze there" I said, catching my breath, "I really thought I was gonna die there Arlo" he was just standing there catching his breath as well.

"We're not safe here" he said, looking around.

"Okay well can we just sit down im like insanely tired" I said, sitting by the tree and he sat down beside me. "can you please tell me what all of that was about" I said. We're resting by the tree just staring in the sky. 

"I'll tell you soon but not now" he said. 

i looked at Arlo's watch and it's 11 pm at night. We've been sitting here for almost an hour and literally none of us are talking.

"okay well what do you want to talk about?" I asked because none of us are talking, we're just staring in the space quietly, "you know you're not much of a talker are you huh" I added. I looked at him and he has his eyes closed. he's probably tired.

I closed my eyes, hoping to fall asleep but I didn't, after all that running I guess I'm not tired. I still can't believe what I just got myself into like if I listened to Jaime then I would've been just laying down on my king size bed sleeping in peace or probably talking to Jackson. wait actually probably not. I would probably be talking to Alice listening to her boy problems.

Arlo's hand fell on the ground and I guess that's the sign that he's officially asleep. hey not gonna lie, Arlo's pretty brave like he knows a lot those crazy crackheads can do but he still got me out of that house like we've known each other for years. and he's good looking too. he has a sharp jawline and cheekbone with his fluffy, middle parted brunette hair.

so thanks to that, Arlo. Mr. Stranger who saved my life from rotting in that asylum looking room.

Thank you for reading chapter 2!

hope y'all are enjoying🥺


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