46 ~ Kisses & Regrets

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“If I had to choose between breathing and loving you I would use my last breath to tell you I love you

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“If I had to choose between breathing and loving you I would use my last breath to tell you I love you.” – DeAnna Anderson


"A kiss" he replies simply

"You're out of your goddamn mind" I growled, instantly standing up, and grabbing my bag to leave. The bastard!

"Niccole wait!" He grabs my hands, and pins me against the door, just as I'm about to open it. Trapping me between the door and his body.  "You can't tell me that you're not curious. That you don't want to. That you don't feel the same attraction that I feel for you. There's no way you could have dressed this sexy, just to come to my house, if you didn't want something to happen.  I know you met Quillon first, but I'm a better man than he is. I have the right capabilities to treat you like a queen"

I glance at the short, white, body hugging dress I'm wearing, which is indeed really sexy, but I have to put him in his place, if he thinks I wore this dress because of him. If I wear clothes, I wear clothes simply because I like them. Not to please any man.

"Get your hands of me Alex

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"Get your hands of me Alex. You're delusional. The attraction you feel is only in your mind and your mind alone, I can assure you that. Because I don't even feel a speck of it, or feel the same way towards you. A better man wouldn't try to jeopardize his friend's relationship. I previously told you you weren't worthy to say Narlia's name. Now, you're not even worthy to say Quillon's name as well. Soon enough, you wouldn't even be worthy of saying anyone. Now get your fucking hands of me, before I break them" I threaten out, and very quickly and unexpectedly, his places his lips on mine. I struggle against his holds, enraged, trying to get him off me, and get his lips of mine

That's when I hear the voice of a female, trying to cough or clear her throat behind us, to alert us of her presence.

Alex instantly releases me, and we both come face to face with Quillon's sister. I remember her, because I'd met her at the fundraiser party. And Quillon had introduced us. I'd met his entire family there.

"Alex. You told me to come over, so we can discuss my college project. And I just came in through the back door like I always do. Apparently you had other projects to discuss with other persons as well. Nicole Zemira, isn't it? You should be ashamed of yourself. Quillon trusted you. You're just one more gold digging bitch who doesn't even know when a good thing happens to her. I knew there was something off about you, when Quillon first introduced you to us. I know we don't really know each other, but my brother worships the ground you walk on. That much, is obvious! How can you do this to him? You cheap trash! I'll never forgive you. I'll never forgive you for this! As soon as I leave here, the next place I'm going to, is Quillon's office, to expose to him just what class of prostitute you are. The class that tries to seduce one of his best friends! And you, Alex, how could you? Is there nothing but betrayal in your Aguilerro family?! First it was Austina, and now you!? Just what did my brother do to you all? I swear, if our families weren't very close, I would have shot you with a shotgun by now! I never want to see either of you near me, my family, or around my brother again. Or you will have me to contend with. Stay far, and very far away from us!" With that, she storms off, not even giving me a window, to explain myself.

"You planned this. You knew, she was supposed to meet you today. You knew she was going to walk threw the backdoor anytime soon, and so you planned this! Your back was to her, covering me, so she couldn't see that I was infact fighting you, and struggling against your kiss. You bastard!"

"Nothing about this was planned Niccole. I mean, I'd hoped, but I didn't plan it. I don't know what came over me. I didn't even know I was going to be able to kiss you today"

"I'm going to write you a cheque, stating what I think i owe you, and send it to you by mail. And the last and only place we would be seeing, is at the burial, where I'm going to contend with you, accommodate you, and tolerate you even, for the sake of my sister. After that, I never want to see you again. You tried to break up Quillon's relationship with me. And that in itself, is unforgivable" I lash out

"You were the one who said you and Quillon weren't dating" he tries to defend himself

"Doesn't mean we aren't friends! And you tried to ruin that. Let me tell you, Quillon is more man on just one finger of his, than the entirety of you, would ever be" And with that, I storm out of his house.


HEY GUYS!...♥😍😘😜🙈

so I was able to drop a new chapter of HIS BOSS' WIFE (HBW)

Pardon any typo errors, this is the first draft, I won't have the time to edit yet, until I'm done with the novel. But if you see anyone you can kindly point them out to me, in the comment section. It would be immensely appreciated.

I've decided to be updating HBW every weekend. So a chapter every week, or 2 chapters if I'm feeling up to it, or wasn't so busy that week...

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