49 ~ A Couple Of Bad Decisions And Wistful Thoughts

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"Your love shines in my heart as sun that shines upon the earth

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"Your love shines in my heart as sun that shines upon the earth." - Eleanor Di Guillo


Since that day when his sister Erica had supposedly caught Alex and I, I'd been trying to call Quillon, all to no avail. He hadn't picked my calls. Nor my texts. And I didn't have the luxury of time, to go look for him at his home, just to explain something that wasn't even true in the first place. A simple misunderstanding. So I'd told myself that I was going to see him and talk to him after my sister's burial today. But I guess he's already decided to take matters into his own fucking hands

Gently placing a sleeping Bonnie in Christine's hands, my new social worker friend that'd come for the burial as well, I march furiously to where they were

"What are you two doing? What's this? What are you doing Quillon?" Even I, hear the betrayal in my own voice

He turns back to face me. They both do.

"Niccole I..."

I shake my head, a tear falling down my cheek

"Niccole, I'm the hurt one here. His family has repeatedly tried to take everything I love from me. First it was Austina and now it's you..."

"Oh so I see what this is about now. This is about Austina..."

"No I never said that!" he tries to defend himself

"Did he say I was unwilling?"


"Did Alex say I was unwilling? Hmm? Did he say he forced his lips down on mine? So if you're going to fight him, maybe you should fight me as well, since you're so eager to hold a pissing contest and fight everyone, just to defend your bruised fucking ego. You know what? How about we have the match right now? In front of these miserable people who are all watching and videoing as if this is the best thing that's happened to them all fucking year! I'll prove to you that girls still beat little boys. Me! You should have come to me! If you didn't trust me enough to at least know what I won't and wouldn't do, then you should have come to ask me directly about it to my fucking face! Instead of ruining my sisters burial. You've managed to make this all about you. This isn't about you. You're not the most important person in the world to me. My sister is! Bonnie is! And you've managed to ruin that today. By doing this, and disrespecting her today, right by her graveside! Do you think everything that revolves around the world is all about you? Why? Because you're rich? Puh-lease. You're not the only billionaire in the world. I even personally called you, to try to explain, and what did you do? You act like a fucking entitled little bitch. You think I owe you an explanation? You think you deserve one? Well guess what? You don't own me. I'm my own fucking person. I can do whatever I want. You think I'm your ex wife? That I'd cheat on you when we aren't even dating in the first place? Boy you wish you were that important. If I were truly her, you wouldn't have been able to get over me half as easily as you got over her. I— I'd thought you were different. Guess you're all just the same. Get out! The both of you. I never want to see either of you again. You've done enough damage here already. Congratu-fucking-lations."



I pick up my ringing phone to answer the call, but as soon as I see that it's Quillon calling, I drop back the phone in a huff. Christine is currently with me. She's been coming to see me everyday, for the past month now.

"Niccole, this again? I'd intially chosen not to say anything or not to interfere, but this is becoming out of hand. He's genuinely sorry, even you can see that. Everyday he calls over fifteen times, everyday he sends you series of texts, gifts, flowers, apology notes, for over a month now. I don't know about you, but we all make mistakes. You told me you made a mistake with your sister, that you distanced yourself from her when your parents died. And yet she forgave you anyway. So even you aren't above mistakes too. Plus, try to place yourself in his shoes . A wife he married for ten years suddenly cheats on him. That does something to a man. Changes him. So maybe he made a mistake and lashed out wrongly at you. But that doesn't change the fact that this is a man that loves you, and a man that you love as well. Even a mad man could see that you both want to be with each other. You yearn for, and desire each other's company. Yet your stubbornness is causing the both of you to be apart. You're stubbornly holding on to your anger. You think this is about your sister? That you're doing this for her? Wrong! You're doing this for yourself. You're scared Niccole. Scared of where things are going with Quillon, and how you're starting to feel for him. Don't hide it under the guise of wanting to avenge your sister's honor. Go and see him Niccole. Tell him you forgive me. That man has been in pain and in torture because of you. He's a former shadow of his own self. You've seen the news, the whole world is worried about him. He's empire is practically dwindling, and this is a man! Who's been brought down to his knees by a woman, sufficiently. A woman he loves! He comes here everyday, seeking an audience with you, wanting to see you, admist whatever work he has at the office, he comes here and he waits for hours! Some times six hours, sometimes five, sometimes all fucking day, and you refuse to see him. So don't deceive yourself. This is definitely not about your sister any longer. Plus you're not even hurting just him. You're hurting yourself as well. Anyone can see that you're hurting in here as well. So go see him. Please I beg you. I'll stay with Bonnie, she'd be safe. You can take as long time as you need. But I beg you, just please go and see him and resolve all this" Christine pleads with me, worriedly, as tears well in my eyes, from just how true her words are


HEY GUYS!...♥😍😘😜🙈

so I was able to drop a new chapter of HIS BOSS' WIFE (HBW)

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