Epilogue: Cat And Mouse

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The thud became louder and we all could see dents on the truck's roof. "Who can drive this truck?" he looked at us with a madman's look. No one said anything. "No one? None of you have passed Driver's Ed.?" He said, his expression looking at us pathetically. "Typical urban students." He grumbled.

Then one hand went up lazily. "Actually," I saw Avery yawn aloud. "I can." He said, his eyes glassy from sleep.

Baron stared at him for a couple of seconds. "Get your ass here."

Avery drove us downhill through the thick forests. How big were these forests? I thought to myself. Baron sat behind him, the barrel in his hand. He looked at the girl who filled the barrel with bullets. "When you hear the loud thudding, shoot upwards." He told her. The girl nodded. As Avery took a sharp turn, the bus skidded towards the end of the road. Avery quickly brought the bus on the gravel, cursing at himself.

The thud sounded as if someone was walking on the roof finding a way to get in. Baron shot upwards distracted, creating multiple holes in the roof. He was trying hard to concentrate on the road. This part of the forest had sharp turns and accidents occurred here. The truck was filled with the screams of the students who cowered on the floor, not knowing what to do.

The driver's door was ripped open and the creature snatched Avery out of the truck. Everyone screamed in horror how the blood streamed down the door. I heard the sound of bones breaking and a gurgled scream resounding in the truck. The driver's seat was painted in blood. Streams of blood flowed down the door and upon the broken glass and the hinges of the door.

Blood. So much blood. The blood on the moon. The crazy look in his eyes.... They all were a warning, a warning I had ignored. Why didn't I know? My head began to throb. The girl in the restaurant. We all heard growls and scratches on the roof as thud resounded in the grasses. What happened next was a blur. Baron opened the flap of the truck and rained bullets on the creature attacking us. "Someone better drive that truck," he shouted, firing bullets. Everyone was too scared to do anything. When no one did anything Baron shrieked. "Someone fucking get up and do it before that thing eats us all alive!!"

When no one did, Baron handed his barrel to another student and drove the truck. A few feet away, we all stared at the creature standing in the middle of the road. Everyone screamed at Baron to sever right but he paid no heed to our screams. He thrust the accelerator and rammed the truck into the creature. Everything seemed to be going in slow motion. The creature seemed to be staring straight at me, his eyes shrouded in mystery. His stature seemed unworldly. What kind of creature attacks humans? The truck lights illuminated the creature and for the first time I saw him clearly.

His face was grey and his eyes were blood red. He had shoulder-length hair which was curly and seemed wet. I narrowed my eyes at his mouth, shuddering. His mouth was smeared with blood. My eyes travelled to his chin. Blood was dripping from his chin; dripped to his ripped clothes. I stared at the way the blood dripped.




The blood on the moon.

A warning.

The missing students from the second batch.

It was all a warning. I was the only one who had seen it. I should've prevented it. But all I cared was not to make Cassy's day sad. I was such a pathetic friend. At that moment, I hated myself.

My vision shifted to a bus situated on a lonely road. There was someone seated in the driver's seat, but I couldn't see who it was. My feet took me towards the bus, near the driver's seat. I gasped when I saw that it was full of blood. The white paint of the bus was painted red. Blood was everywhere. It was smeared on every window. The glass had smashed brains. There were clumps of hair on the glass. Bile rose to my throat. I controlled it. Not now, I said to myself. I needed to know what happened. Who was behind this?

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