Chapter 7: A New Patient

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"Patient 13, hands behind you back," Bruce's voice is mechanical in fashion, and so are his movements as he clips Bo's hands securely behind him. Bruce steps back after the cuffs are secured, motioning with an arm for Bo to follow Vincent and Halle. You smile sweetly at Bo as he passes, earning a mocking sneer in return. "Let's move." Bruce barks, ushering Bo forwards as Halle does the same to his twin. You follow a few paces behind, all of you silent as you're guided in the same direction as the cafeteria. You pass by it, taking another right and heading to a dark hallway you had yet to visit before. A sign above one of the doors read 'Visitor cell A', and the guards guide Vincent and Bo inside.

"Take your seats, your guest should be here any minute." Halle's voice is sweet, maybe even a little excited as she shuts the door behind Vincent and Bo, Bruce having followed them inside as well.

"So, who's visiting?" you ask, and as if on cue Halle points down the hallway. You see a man, younger than Vincent and Bo for sure, wearing a truckers hat and a worn out brown jacket.

"Lester Sinclair, this is (Y/N) (L/N), your brothers' new caretaker." Halle introduces as she extends her hand. Lester takes it, giving it a shake before extending his own to you.

"I hope you're takin' good care of 'em." Lester smiles at you, a goofy grin, before turning back to Halle. She opens the door without another word, motioning for him to step inside. "Nice to meet you, miss." Lester says in his southern drawl, stepping inside and out of sight.

"Alright," Halle clasps her hands together, "You're free to go now, just be back at 11:30 to supervise 'em while they're brought to the cafeteria." you absorb Halle's instructions and nod your head, then spin on your heel to head back towards your room.

With no more than a quick glance over your shoulder at Halle, you hurry away down the quieter hallway and back towards the main one. Just before setting foot in the wider, brighter hall, the doors to the main entrance burst open in a flurry, making you stumble backwards, surprised. Two guards usher their way through, a man held tightly between them.

"So is it? Is it true?" the man asks the guards as he kicks and thrashes, trying to fight his way out of the guards arms. In the midst of his struggles it's difficult to determine what it exactly is that he's wearing, but you manage to piece together torn dark brown overalls and a freaky, blood-soaked mask, grey in colour, with dark black eye sockets. It seemed almost skeletal. His head whips to face you, and his eyes behind the mask widen in surprise. "Oh, a nurse! Hey, hey I have a question!" though the guards continue to usher him forwards (or at least attempt to, since his struggles triple as he tries to break free and hurry to your side) he raises his voice so you can hear it clearly. "Are there really the big, popular guys here? The legends?" You tilt your head, cocking an eyebrow and hurrying to keep pace with him, ignoring the scowls the guards send you.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand-"

"Ms. (L/N), now isn't the time, he's dangerous!" one guard finally snaps, making you flinch backwards at the intensity of his voice.

"Hey, screw you!" the 'dangerous' man snaps, a feral glint bursting in his gaze for a moment before it's replaced by his childlike excitement. "The legends, like Michael Myers? Jason Voorhees? Their my idols and oh my GOD I want to meet them so-"

"Enough, Vernon!" the other guard's voice booms through the hallway like thunder, and the man, Vernon, seems to be on his last nerve. With insane, almost inhuman strength he twists entirely around, dislodging himself from his captors and propelling himself backwards and towards you. "(L/N), get away from him!" one guard screeches, and a taser is ripped from his utility belt. Panic erupts inside you as Vernon turns back to the guards, seeming to ignore you almost completely.

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