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As Blair stepped out onto the street, she felt a sense of relief. There was just something special about New York at night - all of the lights and buildings twinkling like a thousand multi-coloured stars. 

"Taxi!" she called as she jostled with excitement. Blair jumped into the cab immediately and stared at her watch: 6:54. 

"Where too?" the taxi driver asked as he turned to face her.

"The Empire State Building," breathed Blair. "And make it quick." 

Blair looked impatiently out of the window, trying her hardest to relax. 'It's ok,' thought Blair 'You'll finally get the happy ending you deserve, so quit worrying.' Blair smiled as an image flooded her mind: her and Chuck walking down the aisle, Blair holding a bouquet of the prettiest peonies she'd ever seen. She saw Serena at the end of the aisle as her bridesmaid, beaming at her best friend, truly happy for her. She glanced over at Chuck, looking as handsome as ever, wearing a gold and white tuxedo, matching Blair's dress. All of a sudden, Blair snapped out of her day dream.

"We've arrived. Have a good night Miss," the cab driver concluded.

"Thank you," she nodded, getting out of the cab. As the cab drove off into the distance, Blair turned around and hustled into the building. She stared at her watch: 7:07. 'Shit,' thought Blair as she started to pick up her speed. She wound her way up the stairs, careful not to trip whilst maintaining a good pace. Finally, she reached the top of the historic building. Blair ran out onto the balcony, keeping her eye out for a specific person who may or may not be holding an array of peonies. All of a sudden, she locked eyes with someone.

"Chuck," she breathed rushing towards him.

Empire State of MindWhere stories live. Discover now