Constance State of Mind

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As Blair and Serena strolled up the stairs to Constance's main entrance, all eyes fell on them; the 'It Girl' and the 'Queen Bee'. All of the girls wanted to be them, all the boys wanted to date them. The pair were inseparable for as long as anyone could remember, and, although all of the huge fights the two have had over the years, were the best of friends. 

"Minions!" called Blair, noticing them sitting on the steps and walked over. "Now, you've been selected to be my new minions based on social status, skills, and helpfulness. First up we have Lillie, then Maddie, Jolie, and finally Pippa. I expect you to live up to the standards and high expectations of being a minion, and if you don't show these qualities you will be replaced immediately."

"Don't you think that's a bit harsh Blair," Serena said, nudging Blair. 

"My minions, my rules," she responded, turning to face her. "Now," Blair snapped, looking back at the minions. "Is that clear?"

"Yes Blair!" they chorused in unison. 

"Good. Now, carry on with what ever thing you were discussing and let me talk to Serena," commanded Blair as the four girls jostled away. 

"Wow," laughed Serena. "Look's like you've got them under the Queen B spell." 

"It's quite simple really: just find a group of bitches who will do anything you say, and group them together," explained Blair. "Now, let's go and eat I'm starving."

"Blair!" called Chuck, chasing to catch up to her.

"Oh, Chuck," exclaimed Blair. "I'm sorry I didn't get to talk to you yesterday, I was that busy, you know how mother is. How about we go out somewhere and I'll tell you there, instead of in the middle of a school yard."

"Clarine's at 7. I'll pick you up," confirmed Chuck.

"Ok, see you then," said Blair, giving him a light kiss and turning away.

"Blair, wait," he exclaimed, but she had already turned the corner and headed away. He inhaled deeply and went his own way.

Blair hurried around her room trying to find something to wear: her outfit for her date (if that's what you'd call it) with Chuck. 

"Dorota!" called Blair impatiently. "I need to find something to wear!"

"Miss Blair, you have mountains and mountains of clothes, I'm sure there's something there," Dorota responded, hurrying to her side. "What about this?" She held out a red shiny gown.

Blair frowned. "Too formal. What about this?" she asked, holding a baby pink dress.

"Perfect, Mr Chuck will be very lucky," complimented Dorota, laying it out onto Blair's huge bed.

"Ok Dorota, now hurry on and let me get ready," Blair demanded as Dorota shuffled out. She looked at the dress and smiled. She switched her focus to her vanity table, now worrying about what makeup to wear. 

Finally, after two hours of vigorous grooming, she was done. Blair looked herself up and down in her full-length mirror and did a little twirl; she was ready.

A/N: I know this chapter was relatively small, but I sorta just wanted to make the background a little more clear, so next chapter will be Chuck and Blair's date ❤️

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