Beginning State of Mind

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"Chuck! Please come back man," called Nate, pushing against the ever-growing crowd of one of the most prestigious parties in the social calendar of all the Upper-East siders: Blair Waldorf's  19th birthday party. Of course, knowing Blair, it had to be the biggest event of the entire year. 

"Why should I?" exclaimed Chuck turning to face him. "It's not like anyone here actually respects me."

"Come on Chuck, you know that's not true. Just please come back. For Blair." 

Chuck sighed as he stepped towards Nate. "Fine. But only for Blair, and Blair only."

Nate smiled as he and his best friend stepped back into the party. Waldorf parties indeed lived up to their high standards, with this one being particularly more spectacular than the others: the lobby of their Manhattan Penthouse was decorated with all sorts of different arrays of balloons, flowers and gourmet finger foods being handed around. A heap of presents over-flowed in the corner, beckoning to be unwrapped, whilst Dorota rushed around trying to keep things in order.

"Mr Chuck!" she cried upon seeing him standing at the elevator door. "Miss Blair is upstairs getting ready to come down, she just wanted to make sure that you were here."

Chuck smirked to himself; looked like someone was looking forward to seeing him for once.

"Chuck, Nate, hey!" Serena called, greeting the duo with a welcoming smile.

"Look's like birthday girl isn't here yet," Nate said, glancing around the room for any sight of a particular brunette with an abnormally-large dress flaunting about the room.

"She'll be down any min-" started Chuck. His gaze shot up to the grand stair-case in the middle of the foyer: Blair glided down the stairs gracefully wearing a stunning gown embezzled with what must be 1000 tiny blue crystals. Her smile beamed across the whole room as everyone went silent. Chuck and Blair locked eyes; a smile spread across his face, absolutely stunned with the glamour and beauty that is Blair Waldorf. 

"Welcome everyone, thank you all so much for coming to gather on this evening," she thanked, graciously accepting praise and gifts being showered upon her.

"Stunning, isn't she?" asked Chuck, thankful he had came. As Blair made her way down the stairs, the trio ran up to greet her.

"Blair!" greeted Serena as she leaned in to give her a hug. "You look fantastic."

"Mm, I second that," agreed Nate.

"Blair, you look exquisite as always," remarked Chuck as he kissed her delicately on the cheek. "Happy birthday."

"Thank you, and Serena, thank you for respecting my wishes and not inviting Humphrey to tag along as he always does," muttered Blair welcoming them with a hug.

"Oh, come on Blair he's not as bad as you make him out to be," responded Serena. "But anyway, let's sit down and I'll get us all a drink. The group made their way to the couches in the middle of the lounge room. Surrounding them was a room alive of people, old and young, girl and boy.

"How do you know this many people anyway?" asked Nate, staring at by-passing strangers whom he'd never seen in his life.

"I don't," frowned Blair. "Most of them are all of Mother's friends, or clients she's trying to impress. Some are Daddy's old friends too, but I don't know most of them either."

"Anyone want a drink?" Chuck offered to the others, standing up.

"Great idea Chuck, I'll come with you," hurried Blair, grabbing Chuck's arm and whisking him away to the cocktail bar.

"I see your desperate to talk to me,' smirked Chuck. 

"Oh please, I'd rather go to the Humphrey family reunion," teased Blair. "But it's true, I have been meaning to talk to you."

"Go on," beckoned Chuck.

"It's just," she started. "I feel-"

"Blair!" interrupted her mother, Eleanor. "Come and say hello to the guests!"

Blair sighed as her mother pulled her away. Her phone beeped in her pocket:

Chuck:  Meet you back here in 5.

Blair looked back at Chuck and nodded before being tugged away to talk for years about how school was going and if she was seeing someone. The answer to that last question might be a little bit more tricky to answer then expected. Her and Chuck's relationship was complicated to say the least. It was like a roller-coaster of emotions; even though the pair have broken up as many times as your heart beats in a month, Blair still felt attached to him, like he was her other half. When he wasn't with her, she felt empty inside. No matter how many times they left each other they'd end up right where they both started - together.

'Now,'  thought Blair. 'Back to the party.'

A/N: Ok so this is the first chapter of my new fan-fic, Empire State of Mind, so i hope you enjoy and continue to read this series <3 

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