Bass State of Mind

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Chuck gazed out of the limo's window, his fingers tapping anxiously against the arm rest awaiting his date with Blair. Chuck knew that Blair would enjoy this night, and he was going to make sure of it. He was wearing a slim-fit black and white tuxedo with smart, black shoes to top it off. 

"We're here Mr Bass," his limo driver instructed, hopping out and opening his door. 

Chuck nodded in approval and strutted into Blair's building. 

"Chuck!" Blair cried, rushing to greet him when the elevator dinged and he stepped out.

"Blair, you look beautiful," smiled Chuck, gesturing to the elevator as the pair exited the penthouse. 

"Thanks," she gushed, as she did a little twirl to show off the rest of the dress. "You look quite nice also." 

Chuck grinned as they made their way out of the building. The two hopped into the parked limo and drove away. 

Finally, after what seemed forever, they arrived. Clarine's was a beautiful restaurant with chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, and polished floors. In the centre of it all was a magnificent ballroom with classical music playing 24/7. Blair and Chuck glided their way into the restaurant, making their way to their reserved seats. 

"This is wonderful Chuck, it really is," Blair sighed, gazing around the room, eyes wide with amazement. 

"It's not like you've never been here before," scoffed Chuck, a little less amazed than his date.

Blair gave him a look. "It's still wonderful to be here with you," she smiled, reaching out and taking hold of his hand.

Chuck looked Blair in the eyes; 'I'm truly in love with this girl,'  he thought, keeping hold of her hand whilst grabbing a menu from the middle of table. 

"Hello!" a cheery waiter called, coming around to their table. "What would you like to feast on tonight?" Blair and Chuck's gazed snapped up to the middle-aged man ready to serve them.

"Oh," shifted Blair. "Yes, uh, I would like the Chef's Specialty please," she ordered, looking at Chuck expectantly.

"And I'll have the same," Chuck decided, passing the menu to the waiter.

"Coming up," he confirmed, turning around and walking back into the kitchen. 

"So," drawled Chuck. "What did you want to tell me?"

"Ok," she breathed. "I just feel like the way we left things was completely unsettled and I know that you feel the same way, so don't go all Chuck Bass on me and act like you don't know what I'm talking about."

Chuck glanced up at her. "You have my attention."

"And I just want you to know that I still have feelings for you Chuck. Deep, deep feelings, and even though we may not be together those feelings will not go away," confessed Blair. 

Chuck stared into Blair's eyes. "And I completely agree."

Blair sighed in relief. "So?" she asked. "What do you say, let's give it a try, and if it doesn't work then we leave it. But keep it strictly professional, and don't tell the others."

"I say let's do it," Chuck said, kissing Blair passionately on the lips. 

A/N: I know this sort of ended abruptly but I'm happy that I figured out a way to get out what Blair wanted to say to Chuck without making it cringey (which it still is). Thank you for over 100 views on this story though, it means a lot to me <3 Anyways I'll stop talking now :)

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