Brooklyn State of Mind

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Blair's footsteps echoed across the marble floors as she made her way up the twisty stairs, navigating through the halls to Serena's apartments door. 

"Serena!" she called, knocking on the door to no response. Blair huffed as she pulled out her cell phone and dialled Serena's number. 

"Hey Blair," Serena's voice rang out through the phone. "What's up?"

"Where are you? I'm at your apartment but you're not here," she answered, looking around the halls, making sure that no one was around her. "I need to talk to you."

"I'll be right there, B, trust me," Serena promised. "I'm at mom's but I'm sure we can reschedule. On my way." 

"Ok," said Blair, stuffing her phone into her hand-bag and jostling off to the lobby, where she'd meet Serena. A flood of thoughts clouded Blair's mind. Chuck had said not to tell anyone about their 'relationship', but she felt the need to tell Serena. But how would Chuck find out? Blair straightened her back and pushed any thoughts of Chuck out of her ever-busy mind. She felt her bag ding, and pulled out her phone:

Hey Upper East Siders, Gossip Girl here and I've got news: Serena Van Der Woodsen spotted at a cafe with a mystery man. Turns out she won't be seeing Blair anytime soon, as she looks quite busy where she is. Watch out B, Serena's got company, and, plot twist, it's not you.

Blair looked over at a picture attached to the blast of her best friend sitting at a cafe getting coffee with someone who didn't look like her mom at all. Blair frowned and called Serena again. 

"Yes, B, I'm coming now," Serena hurried.

"Check Gossip Girl," Blair confronted, with an icy tone to her voice. "Looks like you're not at your mom's place at all."

"B, I can explain-" started Serena.

"Save it," snapped Blair hanging up. She sighed as she made her way out of the building. Guess I won't be telling Serena anytime soon, Blair thought, hailing a taxi and heading home. 

"Dad have you seen my dress samples?" Jenny called, rushing about the loft in desperation to find the pieces of clothing that were awfully important to her. 

"Uh, no I don't think so," Rufus responded. "Have you looked under your bed or in Dan's room?"

"Woah woah woah, what's happening in here," Dan asked, opening the door into bedlam. 

"I can't find the samples," sighed Jenny. "Eleanor is going to kill me."

"I'd love to come and help you look, but I've gotta go out," Dan said, grabbing a bag, his phone and heading straight out again. Dan felt a buzz in his pocket and pulled out his phone: 

'Check Gossip Girl.'  

The brief text from Blair left him confused to say the least. His fingers tapped against the small screen as he typed a response.


Dan opened the latest tip from the source, revealing what Blair had seen earlier. Dan let out a deep breath and just at that very moment he received a text from Serena. 

'Please just ignore GG, I can explain I promise. Meet you at the park?'

'Yep,' he replied back. Dan started to make his way towards the East entrance of Central Park, where he's taken Serena many times. 

"Hey," Serena puffed, out of breath, clearly having to run the way there. "Thank you so much for meeting me, you see it's not what it looks like, Gossip Girl is so quick to jump to conclusions-"

"Serena, Serena, it's ok I promise. I'm sure for whatever reason you had, it's valid. I trust you," he said, taking hold of her hands. 

Serena smiled. "Well at least someone will listen to what I have to say."

"Blair?" he inquired, almost certain.

"You guessed it," she laughed. 

"How about we go take a seat, then you can explain there?" Dan asked, gesturing to a park bench wedged in-between two trees. 

"Of course."

A/N: Just a house-keeping note, Gossip Girl in this story is not Dan like it is in the Tv series in case you were a little bit confused about why he hadn't read the blast. I really like this chapter, and I was going to put what Serena had to say in this one but I didn't really have much time. Also, welcome the Humphrey's to this story :). They won't be in it much because no one really likes the Humble Humphrey's. Sorry for not putting Chuck or Nate in this one, I just went with the flow for this chapter lol x

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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