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Adora's Pov:

I walk up to the castle wall and look up where I can see my window.

"now how on earth am I supposed to get you up there" I said to myself quietly trying not to wake Catra up, I carefully put her down and I transformed into She-Ra. I scooped Catra back up and climbed my way up the wall slotting my feed and hand into the mini grooves and when I say hand I mean hand. I was using one hand to get up and the other to make sure I didn't drop sleeping beauty.

I made it into my room, I placed Catra on my bed and I put a blanket over her, I then remembered that I have a meeting in five minuets so I quickly grabbed a piece of paper and a pen on the paper I wrote:

'Have to go to a meeting it will end at around 2pm,

don't make a mess or do anything stupid there is food under my bed if you want it,

and please don't get caught see you soon Kitty

~A :)'

After I wrote that I put it on the bedside table where she would see it then I ran out the door.

when I entered the room Glimmer glared at me

"why are you late?" Angela asked

"sorry mam I mean your majesty boss sir sorry I got no sleep and I woke up late" I said. ugh why do I have to act so dumb what is my problem and to the queen!! Adora get a grip concentrate

"its ok Adora just please go sit down"

"yes Angela I mean your majesty"

I tried to concentrate on this meeting but my mind kept on taking me back to Catra why was she all I could think about. It must just be because she's my best-friend and were finally together again without fighting in between...yeah I'm sure that's it even though deep inside its not I know how I feel about her I always have.

I don't even know what this meeting is about my thoughts have taken over ugh I don't care it should be over in an hour just keep on acting like your listening then you can get back to your room to see Catra oh god I hope she doesn't hate me for technically kidnapping her and keeping her in my room well I guess its not a bad thing since its my room aha god Adora there is something wrong with you....


Sorry this is a bit of a short chapter I promise things will get less boring this is just the start...😂
Hehehe please vote tyy

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