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Adora's Pov:


I pulled Catra along running to the main hall when we got to the doors I looked at Catra and said

"Please don't say anything stupid'

"why would you think I would" she said with a smirk on her face

"erm I know you soo don't act like its not true"


"Come on" I said as I pushed the doors open revealing a massive room with the queen and kings thrown at the top. All the guards turned to us and pointed there staffs at Catra next to me.

"stand down" the queen said and as soon as she did all the guards went and stood back in there original positions.

"Ah your carta I know you...oh I know you" the queen didn't sound so impressed

"yes your majesty. I want to say how sorry I am for the attacks I have laid on Brightmoon. Someone I know made me realise the damage I was doing was destroying innocent lives-"

"Then why didn't you leave sooner" Angele cut Catra off

"The truth is" she paused

"Go on"

"The truth is....I was scared, I was scared of what shadow weaver would do to me if she ever found out. If I ever did something I shouldn't have or even if I had done nothing Shadow weaver would always punish me, she never hurt me when Adora was around because she was her favourite and I was Adora's best friend. But as soon as Adora left things got much worse she would hurt me for the sake of seeing me in pain. So I never left because I knew if I did she would find me and she would have my head." Catra said while tears streamed down her cheeks.

I never knew Shadow Weaver hurt her if I did I would have stepped up but I didn't know omg she must hate me I left her and this is what happens I am such a horrible friend I'm surprised she even wants to be with me here even though I have caused her so much pain.

"I am so sorry that happened to you Catra I truly am but you still could have come sooner we would have protected you" Angele got up from her thrown coming towards Catra and I.

"I am going to give you a chance here at Brightmoon but you have to help out with the villages that were destroyed by building back up their homes and food supplies and when you are not doing that I expect you to be with Adora I don't really want you roaming the castle alone until I fully trust you, Is that clear?" she asked

"Yes your majesty thank you I wont disappoint you"

"I hope you wont"

Me and Catra start to walk away until Angele called out,

"And Adora"

"Yes your majesty" I turned back around

"don't loose her you have a chance" she winked

I blushed and turned back around and sped walked to catch up to Catra. God I hope she didn't hear that and uh how is she so damn fast!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2020 ⏰

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