Chapter Three

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Archer POV

I groan as I felt the heat of the sun reflect into my face. I open my eyes and I around the room. There are clothes scattered on the floor and I am naked with a blonde hair women sleeping beside me.

The memories of last night flash in-front of my eyes.Yes, indeed I had a very good night last night. I got up and headed to restroom to clean myself.

Coming out,I see that the girl I left on the bed is awake now. Seeing me in the room, She starts walking towards me and gives me a seductive look. I look at her without any expression and said.

"Don't bother! You know the rules, I had fun last night but i don’t do the deed twice. I am gonna get dressed and you should head out too." She stopped midway giving me a slight glare but said nothing. Then she got dressed and walked out.

I may sound rude or arrogant but it’s all about just one night stands for me. I don’t bed a girl twice because I don’t want them to get attached or clingy. I can’t be tied down to one girl. Its too much of a hassle for me. And it’s not like I keep them in dark. They all know what they are getting into before coming with me.

I got dressed in last night’s clothes and walked out of the hotel room.I called my assistant and told him to keep everything  ready for today’s meetings before I reach my office. I sped my car and went to my house to take a shower and change. After that I went to my office.

"How many times do I need to tell you to make the changes I have told you and create a new contract.I don't like this fucking contract. Create a good one, I don’t pay you to come up with this kind of crap. Get out and make sure to submit a better one before lunch time or else find a new job tomorrow. " I shouted angrily to my employee.

Fuck! I know its too early to shout. But I hate it when i feel like they don't put all their effort in respective jobs.I am strict and sometimes harsh because I pay them right, so they should do their job properly too.He left after that and resumed my work.

A sudden knock on my door jolted me up and I look at now open door and see my dad coming in.

"So I presume you already decided?"He said while came and sat on the chair in front of me.

Shit I totally forgot about the crap discussion about marriage that i had with my dad and grandpa last night. Honestly I don't give a shit about marriage and also I don’t want to complicate my life, I like it the way it is now.Why bed one girl when you can have many? See..??

"Dad, I don't want to get married. It's not my thing. Also I am too young for that. My sole focus is the company alone." I try to reason with my dad.

I just hope I can convince him so that he can convince grandpa.But luck is not on my side.

"Son, I want you to settle down. And it's for your own good. Just give this a shot and I promise you this will be the last time we ask something from you" Insisted my dad trying to convince me.

Fed up with all this back and forth, i finally said"Fine, but first let me meet the girl. So that I can get to know her."This time is demanded.

"Sure, I will tell your grandpa about it. He will be happy after hearing this. Thank you son" my dad said while coming towards me and hugged me.

" I swear dad if she look like something you know... I will back out. Don't tell me, even you don't know her?" I asked my dad trying to control my anger.

"I know her son, of course I will know who will be my daughter in law." My dad said.
I was shocked beyond belief. He knew from the start who the girl is and still insisted to know my decision first."So just tell me who is she?" I asked him persistently.

"Fine!” He caved,” do you remember your grandfather doctor?"

"What!!!?????? That women?" I looked dumbfounded towards my dad.

I am not really well acquainted to my grandfather’s doctor. My grandpa had a surgery , but i visited him only few times because throughout the time I was busy with some business stuff.

One of the times, when I went to meet my grandpa,I saw a women. My grandma introduced her as my grandpa’s doctor.She also told me when all other doctors lost hope, she was the one who kept trying and succeeded. I am happy that my grandpa is now healthy and safe because of her. Don’t get me wrong, I am thankful to her for saving my grandpa but getting married to her for that?? It's absurd!

"First get to know her better son before you judge her.Your grandpa will not choose her for no reason. I can also see that she is good for you" my dad said and broke my chain of thoughts.

"But dad... I know grandpa and grandma is so fond of her. But it's absolutely absurd to marry just for that" I told him now frustrated.

"As I said, know her better ok?" Was my dad’s only advice before he left.

Shit! How can I get out this sham. I don't want to be in a loveless marriage or you could say I don’t want be in any kind of marriage.
My mind has stoped work and I feeling like I am being dragged into this hell hole which has no way out.Through all this chaos, only one person can help me.I grab my phone from my suit pocket and dial my trusted friend Xavier.

"Hello" Xavier greeted me.

"I have a favour to ask.Can you investigate a certain someone for me?"I asked.

"Of course. Just name the person bro " he said.

"I want every bit of information that you can get of Ysabella Cullen. Search everything about her" I told him.

"Woah! Woah! Hold on.When did my best friend become a women stalker?" My annoying ass of a friend asked.

"What are you talking about?" I replied through gritted teeth.

"Well, you are telling me to investigate this girl and you know it's the first time. Wow! I am in shock! Is my womanizer friend in love?" He asked me and I know the fucker is grinning widely on the other side.

"Stop making fun of me. Just do as I told you" I said in a dismissing tone not caring  about what he thought.

"But seriously bro, what's your deal with this women? I am just curious. It is the first time you are asking me to investigate about a girl you know. You can't blame me " He asked me suddenly in serious tone.

"Well! My grandpa just decided to get me married..." I start to answer because he won’t stop asking questions till i tell him the truth.

"What! Your getting married? To whom?" But fucker cut me off.

"Can you just listen and don't cut me in between if you want me to complete"

"Ok ok"

"She is my grandpa’s doctor and he asked me to marry her suddenly.That's why I want you to investigate her. I am doubtful of this marriage.I want to know about the intentions behind this marriage" I explained to him.

"Ok that my friend you can count on me. I don't want my friend to be married to a some random girl. What if she a lunatic, a psycho, or worse slut?" I cringe by just listening to these words.

I know I am a great womanizer but I don't want to have a slut or whore wife. I know i am a big time hypocrite.

"Now you know why I want you to investigate her. So please make it fast. And thank you." then I hung up.

I cannot concentrate in my work after all this discussion.There is only one thought in my mind,  Getting married at this age? Nah... !! I am too young.

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