Chapter six

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Ysabella POV

I swear, through out my entire life, it is the first time that i felt attracted to a guy. He's so handsome and sexy. The way confidence was pouring out of him and the way he delivered himself was so manly.

Too bad! His personality just sucks! He's just like others. People like to judge you without knowing anything about you or what the truth is. He is is one of those people.He did not try to know my side of story or if I was happy or forced into this marriage.

He had already made an opinion that i am a gold digger, even before we met.After he blasted off on me and left the restaurant. I walked out too and drove to my favorite place. My mom's grave.

I know it's dark but when I feel down. I always come here. It is the only place where there is no judgemental eyes following me and I can spend some time in peace.

I hugged my mom's grave and couldn't control my tears.My mom was my rock. After her death, everything went downhill. Dad changed completely and married another women for money. And he is marrying me with someone just for money.

"Mom! Why did you leave me? Ever since you are gone, no one care about my feelings, there's no-one to listen to me.My job is the only light in this dark tunnel. It is the one thing That keep me moving in this life. Everything seems so wrong. When will my happiness come?"

After crying my eyes out, i was just sitting there in peace. Then my phone rang and I quickly answered it. One thing that i learned being a doctor is that you could be called anytime to the hospital for an emergency, so always pick up your phone.

"Yes?" I answered

"Doctor belle, you are needed in the hospital.There is an Emergency." A nurse responded.

"Ok I will be there in 10 minutes".

I drove fast and reached there in exactly ten minutes.Doctors and nurses are busy. Looks like we have some major emergency.

"Good evening doctor belle. "

A nurse greeted me and I nod in response.

"Hey you are here! Lets go,I think this is some VIP patient. Just look at how many doctors and nurses are here. Rich people know how to make things work in their favour " Came a sarcastic comment from my left.I know who it is without turning in the voice's direction

Meet my best friend Emma Lawson. She has a hardcore hatred for rich people. She hated me first too when she found out about me and my family's status. But slowly she came to know my situation and we became best of friends.

I rolled my eyes at her comment and went inside the operation theatre with her.

The scene inside is weird.The nurses and doctor are just standing there doing nothing but ogling the patient.

"What is happening here?" I asked in an authoritative voice.

"Sorry doc!" They answered in unison but the whispering and murmuring never stopped.I can still hear them going La La on my patient.

"My gosh is it Xavier Knight?".

" He so handsome. Even with those cuts and bruises, he is still looking like a greek god"

Emma cringed and I shooed them all out.

Xavier has lost a lot of blood but we were able to save him. The broken glass got stuck in his chest but luckily it missed his heart. We were able to pull that out easily but the only problem is his head. He has hit his head very hard, that why it has deep cuts and bruises. There is no internal bleeding thankfully but a bit of swelling. Hopefully he will not undergo amenesia.

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