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"Archer I will not absent just because I throw up!" I told him

"Yes you will!" He told me.

"I toke food yesterday that didn't went well to my stomach!" I reasoned him

"Nope! You will not go to work that's final Belle!" He said in a firm tone voice

"Ok! How about this, I will go for check up after that I can go work? Hmm?" I try to convince him more by giving him puppy eyes

"Hmm.. don't do that!" Yes it's working..!!

"Fine! Well go first to check up you!"

"Hmm.. hmm hmm!" While I nod.

Then we go to hospital for check-up! The doctor whose my friend advice me to take a blood test. After that Archer let go of me and went to his work.

Thank God!!

I went to my clinic and my secretary gives my schedule for today. I will have two surgeries for today. After I done studying my patient condition I went to the surgery room.

Time past and my shift almost over. My secretary approaches me after I done my last surgery.

"Doctor Bell! Your being call in Director's office.!" She said then I nod my head in response.

What's up this time? I wonder why? Did you I done something wrong?

I collected my things and went to Director's room. I knocked on his door "come in" and I went inside.

"Good afternoon Director. You ask for me?" I asked him.

"Yes take your sit please!" He said and gesture the chair infront of his table.

I toke a sit and compose myself to get ready for whatever he said.

"You see! I don't want any unprofessionalism in my hospital. So I on behalf of the company relieved you from your work!" Mark said.

"Your firing me? Why?" I said suprise

"You already know why. You're know what I mean!"

"But Archer already paid for the contract I broke director. I don't understand why it had to end this way?" I told him confused.

"Don't bring that name infront me. How can I parade that guy in my hospital? You can easily take his money but not mine? Your too unfair Belle!" So thats it's all about.

"Your the one being unfair. How could you terminate me just because of personal reason?"

"You started it first. Your reason for backing out, you said it's personal and it's because of that man? How could you choose him over me? I can love you better than him. He's cheating on you and you just let it slide? Are you really that stupid?" He bursted angrily.

"You don't have the right to question my decision. He's my husband! I need to give a marriage a chance! I want to be happy too!" I said. I can't help my tears to roll down

"I can make you happy too. Even better than him. I already told you about that!" I spatted out.

"Mark you know from the start I love you as a friend. For how many years we are close but I can't bring myself to love you. Why can't you understand?" I said while I am crying my heart out.

"You can love him? But not me? What did you see on him?!" He said

"I don't know! I just felt it Mark. I don't hold my heart. I can't dictate it whom to love!" I said honestly.

"Then get out of my property. And don't bother to apply in other branches of the hospital. I will ban you from entering any of my family hospital!" He said.

"Your selfish Mark! You don't love me. !"

"I love you so much that it hurts just seeing you with him. Your the one selfish not me for choosing that bastard over me! Get out and your fired!" He said

I stomp out in his office. As I close the door I cried so much. I love my job. I want to help people and I don't even care about money.

I quickly went to my clinic and gather my things. I told my secretary that she is dismiss since I will no longer work here.

It hurts so much then my secretary put an envelope infront me.

"Doctor belle here's the result for your blood examination this morning. It was delivered a while ago!"

"Thank you! You may leave now!" I said while I'm trying to calm myself.

I took the envelope and open it. I read the result and I smile. The result said that I am pregnant for one week!

I put the paper inside the envelope again and put it inside my bag. I gather my things and decided to visit Archer.

I went outside and drive my car heading to Archer office. I arrived in fifteen minutes. The receptionist recognize me since I been here with with grandma.

I went to his secretary and asked if his inside. Then he said yes!

I knock on his door and he said "come in!" I slide and open the door

He got shock for a moment then he smiled to me.

"Wow! My wifey is visiting me!" He said while he open his arms to me

I ran to his arms and he envelope me. I just love his smell so much. Then I can't stop my tears to roll down and he immediately scouted and frown.

"Hey hey! What happened? Why are you crying?" He said while he wipes my tears using his handkerchief.

"Archer I got fired from my job!" Then I hug him and sob.

"Shhh... Calm down. Tell me what happen?" Then he soothe me and make me sit on his chair

"Mark fired me because I am too unprofessional. He said he doesn't like to see me parading you in his hospital!" I said while I can't help but cry more

"That bastard he really stope that low!" He said angrily.

"But what hurts me he said I can't apply in any hospital that has related to their company. He said I am ban to enter.! He so mean!" I cried

He hug me and patted my back and soot my hair. After a few minutes of crying I was able to come down.

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