~ Chapter 1 ~

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"Scared .... very scared ..."

It's the only thing he thought of, crouching in a corner of his cage as a troll rock yelled at him. The worst part is that he understood half of what this troll was saying to him, he spoke too fast, too loud ... much too loud, his ears trembled and lowered in pain.

The poor thing stared at the wall, tears of fear ran down his cheeks covered with ashes. He wanted to get out of here, and quickly. These people were hurting him ... had he been a bad boy?...


Armado, for some strange reason these trolls called him that, it was not his name, but why tell them? He hadn't spoken for so long so why would he do it now? The creatures in his forest understood very well when he growled and barked ... these creatures, who however looked very much like him, didn't listen to him and didn't understand him.

No, all he had done was disguise him so that he looked like one of theirs ... and kept hitting him with that object and yelling at him. What he understood was ...


"Bring her back, Otherwise Pain."

- • ♡ • -

The forest was calm, no music was heard and the rebels' camp was up for the night.

The lights had been turn off for a long time now, they were always to avoid attracting zombies on them. About every week, they moved the camp further into the forest, trying to escape the dangers that threatened them.

Despite everything, that night, many more trolls stood as guards, the only light being were the glow of fireflies flying between the branches of the trees. The trolls who slept had installed tents built with old pieces of pods, they had become survivors, manage to live with what they possessed. Normally, about a dozen trolls were on guard, that night, it was more like around thirty.

A team of trolls tasked with looking for berries was gone, so the rest of the troup been waiting for their return since this afternoon, but hope was slowly starting to fall. They had sent two other teams to look for them, and they came back with clear evidence of who had arrived: they had been taken by the rock trolls.

- My brother was with them ... Cooper was inconsolable, they took my whole family ...

All he had left was the egg of his future sister, which he protected at the risk of his life for his parents. It was what was most precious to them all ... the little ones they protected, and hoped one day for them a better world where they could be who they are.

Beside Cooper, a pretty pink troll was trying to cheer him up. She tried by all ways to assure him that she would find a way to free his brother, Prince D, and his parents, King Quincy and Queen Essence ... but she had made the promise to so many others already ...- We will soon find a cure for the zombies, then we can go and free your family, I promise you, Queen Poppy, the troll Barb was searching the most, said.

Cooper nodded sadly as his friend hugged him. The funk troll returned to his tent with a depressed step. Poppy watched him go, tightening her cape over her shoulders to protect herself from the cold of the night. Like all her friends rebels, she were wear a style completly differant of what she, around one year ago, use to have. 

- Hickory, does this remedy advance? The female asked her friend yodeler.

The green-yellow skined troll shrugged, his twin brother Dickory motioned for them to follow him. Two trolls charged with standing guard followed them to make sure of their safety. Soon, the three trolls entered a tent larger than the others, closing behind them.

- How's our friend? Poppy asked Trollex who was playing with bottles.

She quickly got her answer. Under a glass jar, PennyWhistle tried by all ways to escape. Her red eyes glowing with rage as she let out hisses of fury. It was the role of Trollex in their groups, he was looking for a remedy to cure all the rock zombies. Grabbing a bluish-colored bottle, the fish troll gave Hickory to hold the precious sample while the techno troll grabbed the little thing in his hand with a glove. He had his lesson when a zombie had bitten him once.

- Let's test, just a small drop should be enough ... the fish troll said, holding the instrument that was still scream with rage.

Hickory nodded, using a pipette to pour the potion into Penny's mouth. The trolls looked at their zombie friend with hope who began to cough and tremble ...

But quickly, she resumed her false reality, biting with all she have the hand of Trollex, happily protecting by the glove... Then the classical tribe member uttered a scream of anger and threw herself on Dickory's nose.


Immediately his brother and Poppy rushed to help him. Trollex tried to catch her, but the zombie groaned furiously, jumped off of Hickory hands before leaving the tent to return to the forest.

- Still no cure, the aquatic troll sighed, letting the instrument flee away, we will eventually find, there is a cure for all.

Poppy nodded sadly, Hickory patted her gently on the shoulder, pulling her against him in a friendly hug to comfort her. Trollex yawn, letting himslef fall on a chair. Cause he didn't go in the water for a long time now, his fluorescents colors were starting fade away.

- I think we all need a good night's sleep, Trollex said, rubbing his eyes, I've been working since this mornin', and I hate getting up early ...

Poppy laughed softly and wishing her good friend a good night's sleep. She left the tent, Hickory followed her while his brother decided to return to his tent because he was exhausted.

- We will have to install new nets to catch another zombie ... Hickory explained, I'm going to tell Delta to install a new one ...

- Yeah, yeah ... Poppy whispered

Her friend looked at her, frowned: he had rarely seen the pop queen so sad. He tried to meet her pink eyes, but they were looking on the ground. The yodeling troll patted her shoulder gently to get her attention. She jumped slightly, turning her gaze to him:

- What ? She asked

- You okay ? He asked, you seem really sad for a while ... I'm here if you need to speak, you know?

Poppy sighed, looking down again ... but Hickory was right, she couldn't keep everything inside. So after a deep breath, she let out what was bothering her:

- I feel so useless ... we try to fix things, but the more time advances, the more the camp lost members ... I wish all to stop, that finally QueenBarb stops what she does ... I wish we could save someone, just one time ...

Her friend nodded, fully understanding how she felt. It was true that despite all their efforts, their world was gradually destroying ... There seemed to be no hope, but he was sure of one thing:

- However, look at what you have created ... isn't that a start?

The pink troll looked up to observe the camp, all these trolls had gathered to survive, accepting their differences and learning to love them to form a big family. The thought displayed a small smile on her face. Hickory noticed it and smiled at her:

- You see ? This is what will allow us to defeat Barb, the hope that animates us ... so, should I tell Delta to install another trap?

- If I say yes, be careful, the trap must catch the zombie, not hurt it, she reminded him

-We're always trying to make sure the nets aren't dangerous, said Hickory simply.

Poppy hesitated a moment before nodding ... She was far from knowing that this decision had just changed her life.

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