~ Chapter 4 ~

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In the volcano, a rock troll made its way through the crowd towards the throne room, nervously shouting the name of his queen:

- QUEEN B-BARB! He was screaming, trying to come to her.

The Queen of rock sighed, leaving the view of her apocalyptic world from a window digging in the rock and ordered Riff to let his subject come to see her ... seeing the trainer of his savage hunter, she almost thought she could feel her heart almost in stone get carried away with excitement:

- News ? She asked, positive, I hope ...

- Armado ... his detector collar has been detached .... the troll says, exhaust.

The queen frowned. Frightened, the troll began to stutter before being thrown into the dungeon:

- B-BUT, the good news is that ... someone could untie it-t... our hunter found a rebel, he didn't bring it back ... but he did show us clearly where they w-were.

Immediately, the queen found her bad smile back ...

- • ♡ • -

Poppy would never have believed that she had run so far away ... or maybe the journey back home seemed longer because of Branch who constantly tried to make her go back?

- Aurf! He barked, hopping on his three legs and pulling on her cape.

- What? You're hungry ? I'll give you berries at the camp, what do you think ?

But he seemed to find the corner of his cape appetizing, not wanting to let go and pulling on it, letting out (hot-) grunts. Poppy broke free from his grip and leaned over to speak to him. Branch sat awkwardly in front of her, staring at her with his large curious blue eyes:

- I'm sorry, I can't follow you! She said to him with a small smile, I must return to the camp, they must be wondering where Poppy is going, don't you think?

Then she got up again, and resumed her way again. The wild troll let out a cry and caught up :

- 'oooooppy! He tried to pronounce her name, howling like a wolf when he begun it.

The queen laughed while heard her new friend to try to speak; She had to admit it, her tenor voice made her shiver ... She totally ignored the danger that was so close to them .... The more they approached the camp, the more Branch panicked. He was whimper with fear louder and louder ... so much that Poppy ended up worrying.

- What's going on ? She asked, but she knew the wild troll couldn't give her a clear answer.

When she suddenly heard a groan of rage.

Poppy squats abruptly, hiding in the tall grass. Branch came to press his body against her, trembling. Wanting to reassure him, Poppy put an arm around him, putting his hand in front of his mouth so that he stopped crying. a few seconds later, a zombie troll passed in front of them, dragging a piece of tent which he crushed on the ground before fleeing into the forest.

After making sure it was gone, Poppy ignored Branch's complaints and rushed to the camp. This zombie rock had just attacked? Was he alone? Or did he take his whole pack with him? She hadn't even noticed Branch, who rushed to take the piece of tent up, lifting it in his mouth, hoping that Poppy could perhaps repair this strange object.

But the pink troll was too busy watching the camp ... or rather what was left of it.

Everything was destroyed, the tents had been torn apart and propelled in all directions, the whole reserve of berries were crushed on the ground, as well as several camouflage clothes that they had cleaned the day before. No one was there.

- No !... N-No ! She sobbed as Branch had just arrived with the piece of tent.

She left him again and started running between the debris, calling her friends ... but everyone was gone, the zombies had probably captured them all.

- Aooow? Branch made a little growl behind her, he could feel that she was sad.

She was kneeling in front of Trollex's destroy tent, seeing all the medicine samples breaking on the floor. Branch, pushed another little cry and crawled awkwardly inside the destroyed shelter. He came out with a headphone from the king of techno trolls.

- It's okay, she held back her tears, we will find them, she assured him, also trying to reassure herself.

To cheer her up, Branch awkwardly licked her cheek, chasing away a tear. In return, she stroked his hair, trying to stop her tears rolling down her cheeks... when a thought made her get up, panicked:

- The Babies ! She exclaimed before rushing to the nursery, followed by her companion walking on all fours.

The camp had built a tent to shelter future babies. There were normally three; A techno troll egg, a country troll and a funk troll one ... only one egg was still in its bed, the zombies had forgotten it there ... it was the future sister of the funk brothers. It was tinged with pink, orange and white, and a tuft of hair came out of the shell.

- Shhh ... shh ... its okay, you're safe now ... Poppy whispered, grabbing the egg in her arms, hugging it gently in a protective gesture.

Seeing Branch approach to sniff it, she moved her protect one away from his purple nose:

- Oh no ! It's not a chew toy like my cape, you big adorable dork, find something else!

It wasn't that she didn't trust him ... but after all these months in the forest, Poppy knew that anything was possible ... even if Branch seemed nice and already attached to her, Poppy should protect this egg alone... for now.

Poppy came out of the tent, still holding the egg in her arms and observing the destroyed camp ... She was alone now, with an egg and a gray troll with strange behavior (and rather adorable) who followed her everywhere ... as much take what she needed and leave this place as soon as possible before the zombies came back.

So that's what she did: grabbing the still intact food supply and a backpack to carry everything, including wrapping the egg in several warm blankets to protect it from the freezing cold of the morning.

- Branch !? She called her friend.

After a loud noise of objects smashing against the ground, Branch arrived, hopping happily up to her. Before packing, the pink troll had decided to find clothes that were much more comfortable than his troll rock costume: brown camouflage shorts that allowed him to walk... in his own way. She also had to change his bandages on his leg and he let her do so, giving her blind trust.

- What do you have in your mouth? She asked, seeing that he was carrying a purple form dripping with drool.

It was a stuffed toy he had found in the nursey: a purple raccoon that he had obviously chosen as his new favorite chew toy like she tell him do so. Even when she tried to take it from him, he groaned and started chewing on the broken leg of the stuffed animal again, uttering cheerful sounds.

 Even when she tried to take it from him, he groaned and started chewing on the broken leg of the stuffed animal again, uttering cheerful sounds

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- Okay, you can keep it ... but you are responsable of it ! She warned him, unable to help laughing softly, he had made her forget her tears for a few seconds

And it was only then that she heard other voices ... not the kind of voice you wanted to hear.

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