~ Chapter 2 ~

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Another hit, the one that the rock trolls called Armado let out a cry of pain.

- See ? He will listen to whoever holds this, the troll rock tells his queen.

Barb smiled and took the object that their bounty hunter was so afraid of. The poor gray troll was so pressed against the wall of his cave that we can have thought that he was trying to merge with the black rock, uttering sounds of pain and fear. The lilac troll leaned towards him, grabbing his collar and forcing him to approach her:

- You're going to listen to me, Armado, she whispered in his trembling ear, you're going to smell that, and you're going to bring me the one who have that smell, you understand?

The wild troll let out another cry, the queen knew he had understood. The trainer grabbed the chain and untied it. Immediately, the poor thing tried to flee, only so that his trainer caught him by the hair and stuffed his nose in a fabric with a rather pleasant odor. He barely had time to record what he had to look for that the troll was pulling on his chain to take him out of the volcano.

- Bring back, otherwise we'll find you, the female said to him, she was still holding this object ...

Frightened, the wild troll ran off in search of the one who wore this smell, knowing full well that he was not yet free.

- • ♡ • -

The sun had been rising for a long time on the camp, the trolls ate the few berries they have left, because I remind you, the team of Prince D never returned with more food yesterday.

Poppy was sitting next to Hickory, but she didn't dare touch a single berry. She would eat when everyone had their part, not before.

- At least drink water, his father, the old King Pepy tells her.

After a moment of hesitation, the queen of pop listens to her father and drinks a small sip, obviously leaving most of it to the techno trolls who needed it more than anyone. Seeing his daughter give the gourd to a small techno troll, the old king sighed, unable to help admiring the generosity of his daughter.

Poppy was lucky, a lot of family had been separated, and she still had her father by her side ... but the day was just beginning, sadly.

After eating, everyone returned to their task. Trollex was still waiting to test its three new samples on a troll rocker zombie,  so many were going to install new traps invented by Delta and the country trolls. That was the main goal of the camp: to find a cure to become numerous enough to defeat QueenBarb.

Poppy was there to manage operations, making difficult decisions and boosting group morale. DeltaDawn eventually came to see her, she had finished installing the traps:

- I installed four of them around the camp, the former mayor of LonesomesFlats said to the pink female, I think that tomorrow we should have another zombie for test Trollex's potions ...

- Good ... did the food team go get berries already?

- I don't think so, but shouldn't they be leaving in just 30 minutes?

Without giving her an answer, Poppy rushed to the tent of Smidge who was at the head of the team that day. The queen's biggest problem was that since the rebels learned that she was the troll that Barb was looking for the most, she had been put under double protection. We forced her to stay at the camp and not participate in any mission .... but that day, she wanted to make herself useful.

Obviously, when Smidge saw her arrive, she sighed, immediately stopping her friend:

- Poppy ... the little yellow troll with the deep voice started

- I know what you gonna say, but I just want to help you guys!

There followed a long negotiation, but finally, Poppy ended up winning and uttered a slight scream of joy when Smidge gave her a bag to pick up berries.

As they were about to leave, a young techno troll swam up to them. Poppy motioned for the team to wait and leaned over to listen to the kid:

- Mr. Hickory told me to tell you that zombies were spotted near the river ... the little whispered, and according to rumors, a hunter is with them.

A hunter ? It was special to know that a bounty hunter was with them. It was a hunter who had captured King Quincy and Queen Essence ... Queen Barb sent them to remove the chiefs of the tribes mainly. But that day, they would not go to the river, so if they were silent and careful, they could come back with berries before moving the camp for their safety.

So she told the little troll what he had to say to her friend and the team left to look for berries. Poppy was worried about those who were at the camp ... but the pink troll was trying to calm herself down, she was gone only a few hours, what could happen bad? ...

... and she regretted her choice.

When they returned to camp for the night because the sky was rapidly darkening, several trolls were crying while some repaired some damage that a zombie had caused before fleeing again in the forest, bringing a troll with him for Queen Barb ... this capturing troll was none other than King Peppy.

- W-WHAT? Poppy screamed when Biggie, crying and hugging his plush, announced the news. He missed Mr.Dinkles a lot, poor boy.

In a second, the world had just fallen on Poppy's shoulders. Hickory tried to approach her to console her, whispering sweet words, but all the pink troll wanted was her father.

But he was no longer there.

- It's going to be fine, I promise you ... everything will be okay, Hickory tells her, like a good friend would.

Trembling and sobbing, she moved away from the arms of her two friends:

- I-I ... please l-leave me alo-o-one ... I'll be b-back, but for now just-t leave me-e alone!...

Then she ran to the forest, knowing it was dangerous and irresponsible. Seeing her flee, two trolls wanted to follow her to ensure her safety, but she screamed and threw them a rock which she had taken on the ground, the message was clear.

So she ran, ran until she no longer felt her feet. Finally, she let herself fall to the ground, pressing her back against a tree and hugging her knees. Why ? Why everything were going so bad ? Why her world was breaking like that ? There was no one to hold her close, no one to kiss her tears ... no one to protect her and no one she could protect in return.

Until ...


- AOOOOOWWWW !!! Something howl in pain.

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