Chapter 16

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'You are worthless. Die. Drink bleach. Cut. Overdose. Die!! You don't deserve to live! You're a fat, ugly bitch. You don't deserve to date Luke. You're only using him for fame and fortune! Kiana was better than you! He should've stayed with her but NO he dumped her for your ugly ass. Whore! You can't sing, you sound like a fucking dying cat! You and your sister and your brother are ugly ass bitches and your mom should have aborted you! None of you are talented and your brother is a fucking faggot ass bitch! You have no worth. You are worthless. Useless! Just fucking die already. Grab the knife, slit your throat, drink bleach, Die! You don't deserve to live!'

I've been getting that same message from a lot of people lately. More than usual. Everyone saying I'm useless, fat, ugly, I can't sing or do anything right. That I'm a whore. That Luke doesn't deserve me and he should've stayed with Kiana. He needs to dump me and get back together with Kiana.
It's gotten to the point, I actually started eating a lot less. I'm only eating maybe 2 meals a day, at the most. If I eat more than 2 meals, I throw it up. Or I don't eat for 2 weeks. Thank god nobody has noticed that I'm not eating as much. A few people (Ariana, Mom, Luke, and Jai) have noticed my sudden weight loss and Mom says it doesn't seem healthy but I just shrug her off. I'm fine.

Okay, maybe I'm not fine.

I am Worthless.

The Other Grandeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن