Protest~Part 1

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I was at a protest, shouting my opinions with all of my might. Barely anything put my mind at ease, except for having powerful people on our side. Anonymous. I sighed. It was great that there were people like them helping us battle for lives.

A man with an Anonymous mask stood next to me. He wasn't shouting nor did he have a sign. He wore a black long sleeve shirt, and other gear I didn't see well enough. What I could see was his bulging muscles, and I did not hide my stare.

"Their going to throw tear gas soon," he whispered leaning into me. Almost as soon as he said that, they were opening canisters, and shooting rubber bullets. My life shot before my eyes, but the man with the mask quickly picked me up bridal style, running me down an alley.

Once we were far enough away from the protest, he placed me down. He leaned his arm above my head on the alley wall. He towered over me. I was surprised his breathing wasn't heavy after carrying me, his gear, and running all at once.

"Usually I wouldn't run, but I had to save you and your pretty face," he said pushing a piece of hair behind my ear. "My names Scorpion. Or my spec ops name more like. My real name is... classified." He was trying to sound smooth, and it was working.

I tried to suppress my laugh, but it came out anyway. I was laughing at a guy who just saved me from being tear gassed. Tear gas probably feels like h*ll on earth, so I'm thankful for not having to experience it.

"Why are you laughing? Was that not the most suave thing you've ever heard?" He talked with his hands, which just made the situation even funnier. He looked down at me while I laughed. "Okay. Keep laughing," he waved his pointer finger at me. "I have a few ways that'll shut you up," he said, his voice had gotten deeper, and his face closer to mine. That made stop laughing.

He started playing with the pony tail my hair was in. This made me slightly blush, but of course he couldn't tell while I wore a mask. He tightly grabbed my hair while using his thumb to draw circles on my inner thigh.

"Why don't we go somewhere a bit more clean?"

To be continued...

Daddy Anon: Story Collectionsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن