Hacked~Part 1

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y/n- your name

I sat in front of my computer in only my robe. I was watching anime when I got a pop up. God, I've got to stop using illegal websites. It was weird because pop ups don't usually happen mid episode.

The message read, "you should start putting tape on your camera. i don't want anyone else looking at you ;)."

It was written in all lower case, and had a winky face at the end. Definitely the weirdest pop up I've had. It felt as if someone was watching me, just because of something that a ton of people probably get. It's probably nothing. I clicked out of the message, only for another one to immediately pop up.

"you have an interesting search history, y/n :)" Ok, I definitely have a virus or something. I didn't put my name into the website, so my computer's compromised. Ugh. Makes my day better. I rolled my eyes and exited the website.

I brought my computer to the bathroom to play music while I showered. I turned my music and shower on. I started to take of my robe, when I got another message. I had hoped exiting the site would've made them stop.

"woah, y/n, were going a little fast. i haven't even worked up the courage to send a picture of myself." I turned beet red reading that message, and quickly covered myself again.

"Um. Is there someone there?" I hesitantly asked my computer. I waited a couple minutes. No response. It's all in my head. I'm literally insane.

"yeah. i hacked your computer to see if you liked girls, but then I discovered you had a virus, where I can text you directly." My heart raced and somehow stopped at the same time.

"Are you done being on my computer?" I tried to sound strong, but it definitely came out meekly.

"im fixing your viruses, bugs, whatever then leaving. i found my answer already ;). ill dm you privately later," I nodded my head, still pretty freaked out. I closed my computer, deciding it's probably best to listen to music on my phone.

If I didn't get a stalker out of this, at least my computer wouldn't have viruses anymore. Well, until I go watch more illegal stuff. I laughed to myself while washing my body. I refuse to believe that actually happened. For some reason, I don't feel inclined to contact the police.

I opened my laptop to find that it ran way quicker than usual. I guess the hacker actually cleared everything.


I looked at my phone to see a dm and a new follow from someone on twitter.

"hi! i think you have a nice style." The message read.  It was from the Anonymous account. Were they the ones who hacked me? Does that mean it's a girl behind the mask?

I had to think about what to say next very carefully. I didn't want to be put on some list of people to be attacked for not responding. At least they cleared out all the icky stuff from my computer. Maybe they're nice? Ugh I have no clue.

What should I respond with??

to be continued...

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