Chapter 10: Let's Confuse Each Other

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Hi, Moonlights! To answer some of you, YES, I want them to kiss too, lmao XD Enjoy! 


Chapter 10: Let's Confuse Each Other 

I messed up. Big time. I shouldn't have left him there. I shouldn't have acted so immaturely. I should have been a real friend because he certainly needed that more than a freak show named Selena. Instead, I shouted at him and ran away because of all the stupid issues I have inside my head. I should have acted rationally.

All day these thoughts were playing in my head like a broken record. I'm so full of regret and embarrassment, that by the end of the day when I've already sent the email to Austin, all I want to do is sleep.

I can't though. I can't sleep, I can't work for my next show, I can't even eat the full tube of ice cream lying next to me.

I keep tossing and turning and tossing some more, until I sit up exhausted, knowing that I will not be able to sleep without apologizing.

It's almost 2 in the morning when I press my phone to my ear, waiting for him to pick up. With every passing second, my mind starts to make up all these crazy scenarios, where he cusses at me and ends the call on my face. Because honestly, that's what I deserve.

When Kai picks up on the 5th ring, I let out a relieved sigh.

"Selena? What's wrong? Are you okay?" Kai asks me the second he picks up. I hear the sounds of honks and cars and someone cursing, and I assume he's outside.

"Uh, hey. No, everything is fine, I just..." I sigh running my fingertips lightly over my blanket, in my usual playing the piano move. "Look, if I didn't talk to you, I'd not be able to sleep or function. I... I'm sorry." And then I start to ramble as fast as I can before he gets the chance to cut me off. 

"I knew you were not in the mood today; I should have acted like a friend and not lash out at you instead. I was just confused and angry because you didn't understand where my logic was, but then again, I never explained it to you... But you lied to me too, which still really upsets me and I want to kill you for it and... Urgh, what I am trying to say is that I'm really, really sorry for not being your friend when you needed me to be it."

Kai doesn't say anything for a whole painful minute, while my anxiety gets massive.

"Sorry doesn't fix everything." He says and I better he kept silent.

"I know but I th_," I hurry to make excuses, but Kai cuts me off with a chuckle.

"But you keep hitting on me all the time and it kind of makes me forgive you for everything. Even though I think it's inappropriate since I'm your boss now."

"What? I'm not hitting on you."

"Relax. I don't find it inappropriate, keep it up." I growl, done with him.

"Does this mean we are okay?" I ask, just to make sure.

"We are perfect..." As soon as he says it, I look up to the ceiling, mentally thanking everyone above.

Thank you God Almighty. Thank you, Jesus and Mary.

"I get you, you know. I get why you were upset with me. I do. And I'm really sorry I lied to you. But you will understand my point too when I explain everything to you tomorrow." I nod, even though he can't see me.

"Okay, I will listen, I promise. Let's talk like adults. It was immature of me to run away. I just... I tend to run away when it gets too much for me."

"And then you say you don't like running."

"God, I know right. But just to clear this out, I personally wasn't running, my feet were doing that on their own. Trust me, I cornered them and gave them a long lecture on it."

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