Chapter 22: We Are All Crazy Here

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Hi, Moonlights. Here's this week's update, and I don't know why it's one of my favorites. I love, LOVE writing cute Kailena moments, like tiny things they do almost unconsciously just to be close to each other. 

So, yeah, you'll get some in this chapter! Ready? Let's go!


Chapter 22: We Are All Crazy Here

Kai drives me to work on Friday, which is also his birthday, and when I am done, he picks me up from the bus stop. He didn't come to work, telling me he wanted to take a day off and I encouraged his decision. At work, I searched and read every trustworthy article I could find about repetitive compulsion on the Internet.

I looked up some good private doctors as well and made a list of the potential ones around our city that Kai can meet.

After work he picks me up, and, buying some sushi, we return to his gallery. That's what I've been calling his place since yesterday. I even suggested he turn this whole place into an actual art gallery and he said he might one day.

Kai told me he comes here often, and I figure he was here all those times he wasn't sleeping at home before. It's nice to know he was here painting rather than sleeping with other girls. Even though we were not a thing back then, it's still good to know.

When we are back, we eat in silence. He makes a few jokes even though I feel like his heart is still not in it. One can't change overnight, I know that perfectly, but I hope the talk we had yesterday changed something.

"I have something for you," Kai announces, as we are eating sushi and without waiting for my response, goes inside the other room where he keeps most of his paintings and makes his way back to me with one piece. 

"Close your eyes." He tells me, placing the back of the canvas in front of me.

"What? What's that?"

"Just stop talking and do what you are told for once."

I sigh but close my eyes regardless. After a few seconds, I feel Kai behind me, placing his chin on my shoulder as I am still sitting on a stool.

"You can look now." Kai whispers and I open my eyes and WOW...

My eyes burst out of their sockets when I see what's in front of me. I close my mouth with one hand, too surprised to make up sentences or even a simple sound.

There is a painting sleeping right in front of me. My dirty blonde hair is falling on the pillow next to me as I am hugging it, the neck of my t-shirt is loose, exposing my right shoulder, and my mouth is slightly open (I must have been snoring).

He painted this when I was asleep in his bed last night. When I still thought he was angry at me.

I must have saved a nation in my previous life because there is no other explanation for why I have him.

"Jesus, Kai." I breathe out, "This is... It's perfect." I turn in my seat so I can see him. "I don't paint, I don't write and I certainly don't sing. I have no talent whatsoever, so why do you even put up with me?" I ask him seriously, not understanding it. He's living and breathing art, he is good at everything, well except singing, but he IS truly talented, so doesn't he find me dull?

"You have the kindest heart and THAT is the biggest talent in the entire world." He says eyes on me.

I realize he's always seeing me, not just looking at me, but really seeing me for who I am and just right through me. He can always see every emotion I have underneath- when I am sad, happy shy, nervous or tired... he can see everything.

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