Chapter 13: Did I Promise You Anything?

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Huh! See? Just like I promised, 1 Day = 1 Chapter. AND here comes one of my favorite chapters so far, which might not be YOUR favorite *evil laugh*. Please don't forget to let me know what you think about the chapter and the story so far, even if it's negative. I LOVE healthy criticism and I'm not joking. Also, please don't forget to vote for every chapter, if you're enjoying the story so far. It will help me introduce Kailena to more amazing readers.

AGAIN thank you so much for giving MM a chance, m u c h   l o v e <3

BTW in the previous chapter, Selena was saying things, most of you might have not understood (besides the HP gibberish, I mean). They are Korean words romanized XD She's a kdrama fan, you know. So, can you figure them out? XD


Chapter 13: Did I Promise You Anything

"I'm dead".

This is the first thought popping into my head when I open my eyes.

"My head is killing me." Here comes the second one. Just amazing.

Wait, can I still feel pain, when I'm dead?

I start to slowly, so slowly open my heavy eyelids.

I'm in my bed, in my room, in my own apartment. But then suddenly my surroundings come into focus, and I sit up in a blink of an eye.

Shite! This is so NOT my bed- it's king-size, huge, and comfortable. The pillows are so soft I want to dip my head into them and go back to sleep. Mmmmmm.

I slap myself. Okay, focus.

The desk full of sketchbooks doesn't belong to me either, nor do the dark olive curtains that are blocking every way leading to the outside world. The shelves full of vinyl records that cover the whole left wall are not mine either, though I kind of wish they were. The TV set hanging from the wall doesn't belong to me, nor do the paintings hanging from every wall.

I'm in someone else's room! And oh my God, what the heeeell!?

How did I end up here? Jesus Christ!

Come on, come on, I try to convince myself, pressing the heel of my palm against my forehead aggressively. Think, Selena, think, come you can do this. What's the last thing you remember? Okay, I've got this, I was at a bar with Rob and Luke, when they left I joined Kai.

I remember his squad, also freaking gorgeous Amelia joining us later. I remember Mia and me coming back from the restroom and not finding Kai there. Yes, I remember, the arse was with Amelia. Oh, then I can see a very fading image of us all, but Kai and Amelia drinking something Benedict ordered and the rest is a mystery. What the hell happened after that? What did I drink?

For a moment there I imagine myself in that "Hangover" movie, the part when Alan drugs the guys in Vegas and later they wake up having no clue where they are or what happened. Except I am pretty sure Benedict didn't drug us, the alcohol was just too strong, I could feel it, even when I took my first sip, but I didn't want to stop. 

I look around, panic creeping into my chest. Please, God, tell me I didn't go home with some random guy. Did I lose my virginity while drunk? Did I have a reckless one-night stand? I look down slowly to see that I'm wearing a black oversize Marvel t-shirt that reaches to my thighs. I look inside the shirt and thank God my panties and bra are present. This means I didn't lose my virginity while I was passed out, right? Right? RIGHT?

Now the only thing left is to figure out where I am.

I try to concentrate all of my senses- my nose and eyes and ears especially, to catch something, anything that will tell me where I am. Other than the buzzing in my head, I face complete silence, and oh, it smells so nice here. Then I notice some peonies in a nice bottle-like vase on the nightstand next to me and I smile at them, leaning in to sniff them some more, not wanting to get out of the bed and face the reality. Whatever it may be.

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