Part 5 :)

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Harry's POV
"Liam what the fuck are we doing!?" Harry complained as Liam pulled him through the crowd of people arriving at the stadium, "are seats are the opposite direction!". Liam rolled his eyes,

"Yeah no shit Sherlock, I'm trying to do something to get us closer to the field." Soon they arrived and were inside the men's bathroom. Harry put his hands on his hips and looked around.

"You're right Liam the view is a lot better from here..." he said sarcastically. Liam checked under the stalls to see if anyone was there and seemed satisfied when the bathroom was is fact empty.

"Are you high or something?"

"No harry, I am not high," Liam said as he walked over to a door at the end of the bathroom, "you see this door?", Harry nodded hesitantly, not sure what Liam was getting at.

"On the other side of this door is the bathroom for the team, Louis Tomlinson might just a couple meters form us!" Liam said excitedly.


Liam rolled his eyes, "you'd think you'd at least know the most famous player as you're cheering for his team but nooo!"

"Whatever, did you seriously bring us into the bathroom just because there's a chance Louis Parkerson is on the other side of a wall!"

"Louis Tomlinson," Liam corrected, "and no. We're going to get closer to the field by going through the teams bathroom. Once we get back outside we'll be next to all the reporters and we'll pretend we're them! That way we get a VIP view of the game!"

Harry stared at Liam, looking for any sign of humor to tell him he was joking, but he looked dead serious. Harry eyes widened and he opened his mouth to protest,

"Liam how the fuck is that even going to work?!  We can't go through the bathrooms what if someone's in there and sees us! Not to mention we definitely can't pass for reporters, that's insane!"

"We have our phones?" Liam shrugged,

"What we're professional reporters invited to a football game and we decide to document it on our phones. Great thinking."

"It's gonna work, come on." And before Harry could protest any further Liam grabbed his forearm and dragged him through the door. Thankfully there was no one in the bathroom and they were soon in a hall, with a bunch of people rushing from left to right. Liam have Harry a smug look.

"Now you have to act like you belong. Come on fellow reporter!"

Louis POV

"Huddle! Everybody huddle!" One of Louis teammates yelled. They all got into a close huddle and put their heads in the middle.

"We got this right? This season is gonna be full of wins and cheers!" He said. Louis playfully rolled his eyes.

"No matter how many times you practice you give terrible pre-game speeches." Louis laughed and the others joined in. "Basically just focus. If everyone's focused we can beat them no problem." he finished. 

The voice on the loud speaker boomed throughout the entire stadium welcoming everyone. As soon as the introduction was done the voice proceeded to announce Louis' team. The cheers erupted as they walked out into the open.

Louis grinned and gave head nods to all the reporters that were focusing their camera on them. Suddenly someone on Louis' left caught his eye. He knew that boy from somewhere but he couldn't remember where, and then it hit him! His eyes. It was the same eyes that had popped into his head during the interview a couple days earlier.

As he took a closer look at the boys features it dawned on him that it was the same boy that he had seen in Holmes Chapel and that had almost tripped him over. He looked a little young to be a reporter but Louis ignored that and flashed the boy a smile, as to show him he knew who he was. The boy had been staring at him, and when he recognized him back, he blushed and looked down, smiling. Louis smirked and kept walking.
Ooh what's gonna happen??


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