Part 14 :)

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Harry POV

Harry held his breath as he sent his message, his eyes scanning it over and over again.

To @ louistomlinson91
Hey Louis! I'm good, just stressed with college. How about you?

Harry picked his lips together and nodded to himself, as to say yep it's done you can't take it back now. He soon saw 3 little dots appear next to Louis' name. He impatiently stared at his phone, his leg bouncing up and down. Soon his phone vibrated.

From @ louistomlinson91
Aw that sucks :(
I'm alright too, kinda hurt my knee yesterday at practice though.

Practice. Right. Harry forgot that Louis was in fact a world famous football player. Why in the world was he talking to harry

To @ louistomlinson91
Aw sorry :(
I just have a question, why did you ask me to text you after your game?

From @ louistomlinson91
I don't really know, it was like an impulse. I guess I just thought you were really cute hahah :)

And that's when Harry pretty much fainted. He bit his lip in attempt to stop the grin from spreading on his face. His fingers hovered over the keyboard as he thought of an appropriate reply. He could either play it sassy and say something along the lines of 'yeah I know I'm adorable', or he could be sweet and say 'hahah thanks but not really. You're cute too though.' After Harry realized he had been thinking about it too hard he gave in and decided to mix them both together.

To @ louistomlinson91
Haha yeah I know I'm adorable. You're cute too ;)

A few seconds later a reply came through.

From @ louistomlinson91
Thanks I'm flattered ;)
Would you want to maybe get together some time? Get coffee or something?

Harry's breath hitched. He clung to the side of his chair as he bit down his smile once more. He felt like a teenage girl. He stared at his phone as all manner of questions came to his mind. Why would he want to get coffee with me? Me of all people? Is he serious? He's attractive and could easily get any model from Vogue or something but he's asking me. Why? Harry frowned and shook his head, telling himself to stop over thinking everything. His fingers tapped on the keyboard slowly as he came up with a reply. He was very confused to say the least. He doubted Louis even lived in Holmes Chapel and he had college. He couldn't run off to wherever Louis lives.

To @ louistomlinson91
That would be nice, however I don't think we live that close to each other. I mean I've only seen you in Holmes Chapel once.

From @ louistomlinson91
Thats fair, but we could meet halfway? I've been just about everywhere in England so I know a couple good places in between our 2 towns.

To @ louistomlinson91
Oh ok great! When would we meet up?

From @ louistomlinson91
I'm gonna have to check my schedule to find a good day but I'll text you tomorrow with a couple options. Sound good?

To @ louistomlinson91
Yep, sounds perfect. :)

From @ louistomlinson91
Great! :)
Goodnight Harry. x

To @ louistomlinson91
Night Louis. x

Harry placed his phone on the table and stared into nothing, trying to comprehend what just happened.

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Okay soooo obviously next chapter or the one after that not sure will be the date!! <3333

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