Part 11 :)

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Harry POV

Harry kept fidgeting in his seat as the professor continued on his what seemed like an hour long rant of how Liam fell asleep in his class. Again. 

"But sir, I was up until like 4 am finishing the essay for your class! It was an accident!" Liam protested. The professor crossed his arm.

"Mr. Payne you've had weeks to get it done! You should've organized yourself better to get it done earlier and avoid falling asleep in my class! Take your friend Harry for example, he handed his in a week ago!"

Liam sat back down and huffed, glaring at Harry, who had a smirk plastered on his face. He lived for these moments where someone else besides himself told Liam off. Just then the bell rang everyone got up and started packing their things.

Liam nudged Harry in the arm to get his attention,

"So what's new with you and the footballer?"

Harry signed disappointedly and looked down to finish putting his books in his bag.

"We haven't talked since the other night." Liam leaned against the edge of the table and tilted his head to the side to get a clearer angle of Harrys face.

"Why not?"

"He hasn't messaged me since then I can't message him first..."

"Why can't you message him first? You did it last time..."

"Exactly, I can't be the first to text him again! Besides... he probably doesn't want to talk again. I probably said something to scare him off. Or he realized I'm just a stupid guy who knows nothing of football." Harry slung his backpack over his shoulder and made his way out, followed by Liam who was just shaking his head.

"I looked over the conversation and nothing went wrong Harry! It was short and sweet and he seemed to like you... I don't understand why you won't text him again."

"I'm too scared to. Now let's drop it. I have a free period right now. You?"

"Nope, but I'll skip it's fine."

"No you won't!" Harry muttered pushing Liam down the hall towards his next class. "You've already skipped too many classes this semester."

"Ughhhh" Liam groaned. "I don't even know why I'm friends with you."

Louis POV

Louis collapsed onto his couch with nothing but a pair of sweat pants on and he took out his phone and sighed.

"Dude if you want to text him just text him it's not that big a deal!" Niall muttered impatiently.

"It is a big deal! I think I'm going insane! I barely know him and I really want to talk to him. And also when did you get here?"

"I let myself in, don't try to change the subject though. Have you tried stalking him?" Niall suggested while opening a bag of chips. "You can find out a lot by stalking him."

"I refuse to stalk him. That's really low."

"Give me his username and I'll do it for you." He said while whipping his phone out and unlocking it.

"It's Harry dot Styles. Please don't be creepy."

Niall rolled his eyes as if to say 'obviously not!' he frowned and scrolled through Harrys Instagram.

"Well he only has 2 posts, one of a bakery front, no idea why, and one of himself. The bakery one has a caption of 'home' with a heart at the end and the one of himself has the caption of 'Liam is forcing me to post this'."

Louis head snaps up,

"Who's Liam?" He asks. Niall just shrugs.

"Here this is the picture of him. He put some filter on it but yeah." Niall said and he turned the phone to Louis' direction so he could see. (A/N the picture is at the top)

Louis took the phone from Nialls hand, causing Niall to scoff. For about a minute, he stayed admiring the photo.

Harry wasn't looking directly at the camera but you could still see his beautiful bright green eyes. His curly brown hair was pushed back neatly but at the same time had this messy touch to it. His gold necklace that was hanging around his neck complemented the color of his skin and the edge of his shirt revealed a couple tattoos. He did by all means take Louis' breath away, no matter how cheesy that sounded. He's literally beautiful. Louis thought.

"Hello? Earth to Louis?" Niall said waving his hand in front of Louis' face to get his attention. Louis head snapped up and he stared at Niall.

"Sorry what did you say?" He asked quietly. Niall just laughed and shook his head,

"Mate you're completely whipped. You've been staring at that picture for like 2 whole minutes. Louis raised his eyebrows and blushed profusely.

"Have I really?"

"Yeah!" Niall laughed at his friends reaction. "You need to text him, you can't just stare at his picture for the rest of your life!"

"Yes I know I just can't bring myself to do it! What if he doesn't want to talk to me?" Niall just shook his head.

"You have the weekend off this week right?" Louis nodded.

"We're taking a trip to Holmes Chapel?" Niall announced and Louis nearly choked on air.
What an accomplishment he thought to himself, choking on air...

"How do you even know that's where he lives?!"

Niall pointed to the phone screen that was still in Louis' hand. On top of the bakery picture showed the location. Holmes Chapel.

"Shit." Louis muttered under his breath and Niall smiled triumphantly.

"I can see it already!" Niall started, "this weekend you're going to accidentally on purpose run into him and you'll then be forced to talk and then you'll fall in love, get married, and mention me in your wedding speech as the one who made this all happen."

Louis looked at him in disbelief.

Captain Niall to the rescue!!
Any thoughts or comments?
Hope you all enjoyed this chapter it was quite fun to write!! 😂

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