◜The house rules◞

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The following are a list of the house rules.

1. A suitcase will appear at the bottom of the stairs outside the front door. Inside the suitcase, there is a small bag. Do not open the bag.

2. Always use the kitchen bathroom before 6:30pm. Any time after then, the mirror will trick you.

3. You must count every door on the second floor in the morning when you wake up. Once you go to bed, you must count the doors again. If you do not remember counting a door, never open said door.

4. You must take the medication on your bedside table every morning. If you do not, consequences will follow.

5. You must clean up after yourself. The other guests in the house do not appreciate the mess left behind. 

6. Never enter the door that takes you to the attic. Your worst fear will meet you on the other side of the door.

7. The phone in the lounge room that leads to the backyard must not be answered between the times of 2 am and 4 am. The phone call is not for you.

8. The piano in the lounge room must be shut before 8 pm. Songs will start playing if this rule is not followed, and will lead you to insanity. 

9. When asked to polish any antiques with faces on them, never look at the face directly in the eye.

10. The mirror in the hallway leading to the kitchen must never be looked at once the sun sets in the evening. It is said to show monsters.

11. Water every flower in the house if you are the first person to wake up, even if they are plastic.

12. Never use the bath at the end of the hallway on the second floor. The bathtub is always covered in a black liquid.

13. Always knock 5 times before entering any door in or out of the house. The guests find it intruding when you do not knock the required amount of times. 

14. Never stand directly under the chandelier in the foyer. The chandelier somehow senses if someone is standing underneath it.

15. Under every bed, there is a storage compartment. Never put anything in it, unless you want to get rid of it.

16. Do not check under the bed for monsters. This will not help.

17. Before going to bed, always have one curtain open. This will allow you to see in your dreams.

18. Never whistle in the house. The guests have found it disturbing when they sleep. 

19. The shoe closet and the wine cellar have a tendency of switching places. Be careful of where you step.

20. If you are outside and looking through a window and see someone waving at you, it is required to wave back.

21. The most important rule of all. Never erase the crayon drawings on any of the walls. You will encounter the children who drew these.


A.N: These kinda freaked me out when I wrote them.

Also, if you are on TikTok and have seen a creator that goes by the username 'jbirxd' or Jay Xiao and seen the videos of 'House Rules', yes this book was inspired by some of her rules.

I give credit to her for the rules in those TikToks.

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