◜House Rule 3◞

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Amanda, as always, woke up first. No one else was up, as it seemed to be. As she walked into the lounge room, she was startled when Keiko was looking out of the wall-height windows. The girl was staring intently at the back fence, where two dead bodies were kept. No other noise was heard throughout the house, except for the faint, heavy breathing from Keiko that Amanda could hear from a few metres away.

"Were you the first one up Keiko?" Amanda asked and Keiko looked at her through the corner of her eye, then back at the fence. She nodded once, Amanda knowing that Keiko had watered the flowers in the house. "Why are you up so early?"

Keiko turned her head, a little bit of blood dripping from the corner of her mouth. "I wanted some alone time with the guests we have had recently." Amanda didn't know who she was referring to, yet concern covered her face as the blood at the corner of Keiko's mouth started to get heavier.

"Keiko, why is there blood in the corner of your mouth?" She asked, taking a few steps back in fear. The Japanese girl wiped it from her mouth with the back of her hand. She hummed and wiped her hand with a handkerchief. Keiko folded it up and slipped it back into her pocket of her jacket. She proceeded to walk towards Amanda and leant up near her face. Keiko was on her toes as she wasn't that tall.

"Do you know what happened to the other two?" She asked, her voice becoming more demonic. Amanda started to sweat in fear and shook her head. "Good, no one must know." Keiko traced her finger along Amanda's jawline and to her chin. She flicked her hand away from the blonde's face and walked off, upstairs to awake everyone for breakfast.

Amanda watched as Keiko walked upstairs and grabbed the bell. Wondering what her question meant, she walked towards the dining room where the table had already been set up with cutlery and food that looked like it had been prepared in a matter of minutes. 


Everyone sat down at the table and a few people noticed that Freddy was missing. "Freddy died tragically in the kitchen bathrooms. He died while trying to find my father's ring. I thought if I went in there, the mirror wouldn't attack him, but it did." Keiko hid her left thumb which was where the ring sat.

They then started to eat and the day went according to plan, no one dead and one suspect found. Luka, Amanda's boyfriend, had started to get suspicious of Keiko and her mother and how they reacted with the rules. He was also getting to close to figuring out their secrets.

Keiko's mother walked up to Luka and looked out the lounge room windows that he was near. "What is the deal with you and your daughter? You two are up to something." Keiko's mother turned her head to the tan boy and smiled slightly.

She rubbed the sides of her nose with her right fingers and looked at him dead in the eye. "Please, don't meddle with me and my daughter, or the house will haunt you next." She then turned on her heel and walked off, into the second lounge room that faced the front of the house.

Keiko stood in the lonely room, looking at one of her great-great grandmother's antiques. Her mother stood in front of her and put her hand on the vase, lowering down from her daughter's face. "That tan boy is getting curious. The one who is close to Amanda. He's meddling with our plans."

Keiko looked up and out of the doors to where Luka had his hand poking from the wall. She started to speak to her mother in Japanese so he wouldn't understand what they were saying. He then walked away from the second lounge room and Keiko followed him. 

The clock chimed again at 9:00 pm and Luka had started to count the doors on the second floor. He found the door that he didn't count in the morning and stood in front of it. The door had claw marks on the base of the wood, like all the other doors as to suppose there was a struggle a long time ago. Keiko had appeared behind him.

"Found the door, I see?" She whispered in his ear and he jumped slightly in shock, turning his head to look at the girl's black, silky hair. "Don't want to know what's in there? Aren't you a bit curious like you are with my mother and I?"

Luka looked in horror as he looked at the door in the corner of his eye. He started to hear crying noises, sounding like Luka's youngest sister's cries. "What did you do with my sister?" He questioned, yelling at Keiko.

She shook her head. "I did nothing with your sister. Maybe she's in there." Luka looked back at the door and opened it, only to see a rocking crib in the corner of the room. Keiko kicked him into the room and closed the door, locking it from the outside.

Luka stood up from being kicked in and landed face first into the cold, hard wooden floors. The crib had stopped rocking and a black, large, bony hand had appeared over the edge of the frame. Another hand appeared, clutching the wood with nails scraping along the rotting wood, and two large eyes looked at him from behind the wall of the crib. In the blink of an eye, it had launched out of the wooden crib and attacked Luka.

From the outside of the door, you could hear nothing. No screams, no struggles, no gurgling noises from the mysterious monster in the room. Keiko stood at the door and her mother had walked up the stairs to where the door was. Two minutes had passed and Keiko unlocked the door, and opened it to see Luka's head rolling around the floor and his lifeless body torn limb from limb. His arms and legs had been ripped from his body and his face was pale. The monster that had brutally ripped him up had disappeared and so had the crib.

Keiko's mother pulled a black, plastic garbage bag from her apron and placed Luka's bloody limbs in the bag. She and Keiko then grabbed Luka's torso and placed it gently into the bag and then his head. Keiko walked out to the backyard, turning on no lights. She threw the bag over the fence and watched her mother stand at the back door. Keiko ran back in and closed the door, locking it shut. As she turned back around, her mother had disappeared, not even a trace of her to be seen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2020 ⏰

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