◜Prologue: Before the house◞

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Keiko walked into school, rubbing her eyes with bags drooping underneath them. After the long 13 hour trip from Japan to America and having to unpack, Keiko was about to drop asleep onto the floor. A few girls saw the tired Japanese girl and ran over, their friendly faces lighting up the dull school.

"Hello! Are you... Keiko?" One girl asked, a book clasped in her hand. "Did I pronounce that right?"

Keiko nodded her head as her black locks fell over her face. She smiled slightly. "And who may you be?"

The girl looked surprised, realising that the foreign student knew English, and the language well. "My name is Amanda, Amanda Watts. I'm supposed to be showing you around the school." Amanda smiled. Two other girls stood next to Amanda. "Oh, and these girls are Lilly and Rachel Myers. Two year difference."

Rachel waved and Lilly jumped in joy. "A new friend! Oh, this is exciting!" Lilly squealed in delight. Keiko looked at the three girls jumping in joy for a new friend, especially one who came from another country.

Mother will be very happy once I come home with more people, Keiko thought. More guests, more people to know of our old tradition.

Throughout the day, Keiko met more and more friends, becoming a bit more popular than what she had expected at first. She met Lilly's friends, Rachel's and Amanda's other friends.

Keiko seemed a nice girl to everyone, a kind Japanese girl who didn't know much about America and the school

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Keiko seemed a nice girl to everyone, a kind Japanese girl who didn't know much about America and the school. But in reality, her soul was as dark as the shadows that lurk in her house.

After school, she met up with all 21 friends she had finally made. "Hello! Since we have just met and become very good friends now, why don't you come to my house?" Keiko asked, plotting her plan in her mind, gears running to make ideas on how these people would be killed.

Amanda smiled, looked around and back and the black-haired girl. "We would love to see your home!" Lilly and Rachel smiled while Luka talked to Keiko for a few minutes before heading to her house.

Be ready Mother, we are going to have guests.

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