Chapter 7: All The Meddling

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Nathaniel was on his way to the library, which also served as his study when he heard steps following him down the hallway.

"Do you have any designs on my friend?"

Stopping dead in his tracks, he turned around to face his younger sister. "What are you talking about?"

"Angel and the way you were looking at her." Jessica crossed her arms over her chest, looking at him as if he was a naughty schoolboy.

"I don't know what you're talking about." It sounded false, even to him, and his sister was no fool.

"Ha!" she scoffed, and taking him by the arm, she dragged him into the library, where she closed the door behind them. This did nothing to make him feel less like a schoolboy about to be scolded. "You do have feelings for her!"

"Don't be ridiculous," he snapped. "She's the sister of one of my best friends."

"That's a terrible excuse," Jessica muttered. "Who someone is related to or friends with has no bearing on how you feel about them. And you were staring at her."

"Jessica." He sighed. "This may come as a surprise to you, but I am not blind. Angel is pretty. I'm a man. Surely you didn't expect me not to notice?"

And he certainly had noticed. Angel Grafton wasn't someone who turned heads. With her pale skin and blonde hair, she easily blended into the background, especially when wearing light or muted colours. Or hiding behind potted plants. But if one paid attention and actually saw her... She was quite beautiful. And once you noticed, it was impossible to ignore. Even if he wished he could. It wasn't as if he wanted to be attracted to his friend's sister.

"Of course not."

"And even if I took an interest—" He held a hand up as Jessica opened her mouth to say something. "And I'm not saying I have. But even then, I would never act upon it. She's Gowthorpe's sister and, as such, I would never think to touch her. The kind of girl you marry, and I'm of no such inclination."

His sister looked him straight in the eyes. "Good. Because Angel has become a dear friend to me and I will not allow anyone to hurt her. That includes my own brother."

"Your protectiveness of your friend is commendable but misguided." He smiled wryly. "She's a sweet girl, and that's all. You don't touch your friend's sisters."

"I suppose Nick has no chance with Gowthorpe, then?" Jessica grinned.

He chuckled. "I believe our sister has decided on that match more out of stubbornness than genuine interest in Gowthorpe. That said, I would probably kill any of my friends if they were to touch one of my sisters," he admitted sincerely. They might frustrate him on a daily basis, but he loved his sisters fiercely and would defend their honour until his dying breath.

Jessica laughed then but didn't meet his eyes. "Well, that's settled then."

With that, she finally left him alone. He stared at the closed door with a frown. It was disconcerting to see that his sister had noticed him looking at Angel. What he told her was true. More or less. He would never court Angel. Marriage was not something he was ready for, and she was definitely someone you had to marry. He would never touch her or risk her reputation. But that didn't mean he didn't want to. It frustrated him how attracted he was to her.

When he finally settled down to marry, he had no intention of marrying someone he cared for. He had seen first-hand how devastating love could be, and he wanted none of it. He imagined he would settle down with some pleasant-enough chit that he could stand to be around enough to sire some heirs. But romance and love? No, he'd have none of that. And that was exactly why he would stay away from Angel. Because she interested him too much already, and the idea of coming to truly care for someone terrified him. He never wanted to end up like his father.

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