Chapter 23: Overbearing Brothers

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Dear Diary,
James is more overbearing than I remember
from when we were children. Is that something
that happens to men when they grow up?

The next ball Angel attended had people staring at her and whispering among each other again, but for a different reason. Or partially different reason, at least. Aunt Jane had placed an ad in the newspapers about the engagement, and after Philip's vile rumours, the ton was excited about the drama unfolding in their midst. No one dared to suggest the Marquess of Pensington's future wife had been compromised by another man, but she suspected at least a few of them believed so.

"Let them stare." Nathaniel leaned a little closer as they wound their way between the other guests. "They will soon tire when they realise there is nothing exciting happening."

She smiled up at him, grateful for him spending his evening with her. The glances and titters were a lot less daunting when on his arm. "Or the next scandal happens."

"Or that."

Reaching the refreshment table, Angel gratefully accepted a glass of lemonade, enjoying the cool liquid in the stifling ballroom. Using her other hand, she flicked her fan open. Nathaniel noticed and smiled.

"Shall we go outside?" he asked. "It's awfully crowded in here."


The idea of fresh air was a welcome one. Busy rooms never agreed with her, and she supposed she knew why now. And so did Nathaniel. That he so thoughtfully suggested they go outside warmed her heart.

James stepped into their path, halting their progress.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked with a scowl.

Nathaniel's eyes narrowed. "We wanted to get some fresh air."

"Where's your chaperone? I believe I specifically told you not to be alone with my sister."

"You're her chaperone," Nathaniel snapped. It had always been Aunt Christine, but after the recent events, James had taken it upon himself even if it was generally preferred to be a lady. "We're only going out in the garden. I don't know what you expect me to do to her out there with all the other ladies and gentlemen trying to escape the crush of the ballroom."

James crossed his arms over his chest, a stubborn tilt of his jaw. "There are plenty of things one can do in a garden, as you well know."

She looked between the two men, not entirely sure what they were talking about, but she was fairly certain she ought to be embarrassed. What did James think? That she would allow herself to be ruined in the middle of a ball? Glancing up at Nathaniel's handsome profile, her cheeks heated. If he pulled her into a dark corner of the garden, she certainly would not say no.

"You are not leaving this room without a chaperone," James insisted.

Nathaniel sighed. "Very well."

As they turned around and walked back into the throng of guests, she asked, "Are you and James still at odds after...?" She trailed off as memories of their kiss a few days ago made her lips tingle in awareness. It had been far too short, interrupted by her brother, and she desperately wanted to feel Nathaniel's mouth on hers again.

"No. He's only worried about another scandal."

"But we were just going outside?"

"Yes. So I could kiss you."

She missed a step and almost stumbled. She stared up at him. "I beg your pardon?"

His eyes met hers, a fire burning in their dark depths. "I want to kiss you."

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