Chapter 11: A Ride in the Park

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A few days later, Angel sat alone in the drawing room waiting for Philip to take her for a carriage ride in Hyde Park when a footman entered to tell her that the Marquess of Pensington and his sister had come to call. Giving the servant a surprised look, she stood and smoothed the skirt of her simple, white walking dress.

"Please, show them in."

The footman nodded and disappeared towards the entrance hall. A few moments later, Jessica and Nathaniel entered the room. Taking one quick glance at all the bouquets and flowers filling every available surface, Jessica laughed a little.

"Is this the new conservatory?" she asked with twinkling eyes. "Did I enter the wrong room?"

Angel grinned sheepishly, her cheeks heating. She had never expected to have this much attention. "Don't be silly."

Her friend walked along one of the long tables, inspecting the many beautiful and extravagant flowers. She reached out to touch some exotic bloom as she looked back at Angel. "Are they all for you?"

"Not at all. At least half, if not more, are for Joan."

Nathaniel picked up a crisp white card that had arrived with a group of exquisite orchids. "To Miss Grafton. Shall I compare thee to a summer's dawn?" He grimaced in disgust. "Surely they must be jesting. Misquoting Shakespeare? Not very romantic."

Jessica laughed. "It does quite ruin the moment, but not everyone knows Shakespeare inside out. You know, some people did not grow up with a parent obsessed with his writings. They also might not have your impeccable memory."

"Then they should do their research better," he muttered, putting the offending card back in the bouquet.

"I can't imagine it being romantic having Shakespeare quoted to you anyway," Angel said. "Don't misunderstand," she quickly added when both siblings turned to stare at her. "I love Shakespeare, but I think it would make me laugh if someone started quoting it to me."

"Do you think so?" Nathaniel asked.

The hint of a smile playing on his lips made her insides flutter. "Yes, I do believe so."

"Would you care to place a bet on that?"

"I... I don't know."

He moved over to stand in front of her, a little closer than was strictly proper, his dark eyes glittering. She stared up at him, unable to tear her gaze from his. For a man he had beautiful eyes, so dark they were almost black and framed by thick, sooty eyelashes that would make most women envious. He leaned in a little closer, making her breath catch in her throat.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire," he recited slowly, the words a soft caress. "Doubt that the sun doth move."

The rich cadence of his voice and the wicked glimmer in his dark eyes were mesmerising, and even if she'd wanted to, she couldn't have moved away from him. Not that she wanted to. She was utterly spellbound by their close proximity.

"Doubt truth to be a liar," he continued, leaning in close enough that she could feel his warm breath on her face. "But never doubt I love."

Swallowing with some difficulty, she tried to move, but her feet didn't obey. They stood so close that she could smell the crisp, clean scent of his newly pressed clothes, and something darker, manlier. Was it sandalwood?

"There are at least as many flowers for you as for Joan," Jessica muttered from the other side of the room, the reminder of her presence breaking the spell.

Angel drew a deep breath and stepped away from Nathaniel. Her head was foggy, and she struggled to piece two thoughts together. "Perhaps," she said. "I haven't read every card."

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